SBL考核内容 | |
Technical Skills | |
Leadership,communication and professionalism | 领导力,沟通与专业性 |
Governance | 公司治理 |
Strategy | 策略管理 |
Risk | 风险管理 |
Technology and data analytics | IT与数据分析 |
Organizational control | 内部控制 |
Finance | 财务分析 |
Innovation and change management | 创新与管理 |
Professional skills | |
Communication | 沟通 |
Commercial acumen | 商业眼光 |
Analysis | 分析 |
Skepticism | 商业质疑 |
Evaluation | 综合评估 |
如何get到考官出题思路 答题技巧一:注意题目所给关键词 Define 给出定义即可 Describe 定义+主要特点 Explain 定义+知识点展开 Contrast/Distinguish 比较两样或几样的异同,即各自的定义和区别 Analyse 分析现在情况,经常需利弊都讲 Identify 找出内容 Explore 不仅要从书本上分析,还要考虑case和case外的论点(use common sense) Assess/Discuss 考量优缺点等,考量看法的准确性。需要将正反利弊情况都讲 Construct the case for 支持观点,并提供supporting Construct the case against 反对观点,并提供supporting Recommend 提出建议 Criticize批评某个观点,并提供supporting(通常与best practice不相符) Evaluate/Critically evaluate 从双方面讨论(支持/反对) 答题技巧二:题目与Model联系 • Business strategy –Mission (values), goals & objectives; Strategy lenses • Strategy position – PESTEL; Porter’s diamond; SWOT; Porter’s 5 forces; Value chain; Culture web; (Industry life cycle; Scenarios & forecasting; Marketing mix; Benchmarking; CSF & KPI) • Strategy choice – Corporate parent; BCG; Ashridge model; Public sector model; TOWS matrix; Strategy clock; Growth method & Success criteria • Strategy implementation – Organisational structures; Mintzberg configuration; Change management – types & contextual factors; Balanced scorecard • Business processes – Process redesign; Process-strategy matrix; Software; Outsourcing • Information technology – Supply chain management & e-procurement; 6 “I”s; Customer relationship management; Pricing strategy • Project management – Project life cycle – control; Cost & benefit management; Risk management • Finance – Ratio analysis; Expected value & decision tree; Budget • People – Leadership; Job design 此外,P阶段考试切记要结合案例。不要脱离案例,完全照搬书本知识。如果只是罗列书本知识,不会得到理想的分数。 Professional Marks 专业分得取技巧 根据ACCA战略专业学习指南的规定,专业分数是指在技术知识水平之外的能力和技能,包括作为第三级知识水平能力基础的综合和评估。ACCA高级阶段的考试中引入professional marks(专业分数),旨在让考生展示以及ACCA考试团队评估雇主所期望的ACCA学员具备的特定专业沟通技能和高级职业能力。 |