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  • 为何中国和印度员工最爱装病(双语)

    来源: 互联网 2011-09-06

      Among all the possible explanations for why China and India have experienced explosive economic growth in recent years, worker dedication doesn’t appear to be one of them.


      According to a new Harris International survey on worker absences, workers in China and India the world’s second and 10th largest economies, respectively are the most likely to take bogus sick days.

      据咨询公司Harris International一份有关员工缺勤的新调查报告显示,中国和印度员工装病请假的可能性最大。中国和印度分别是世界第二大和第10大经济体。

      The survey, conducted on behalf of Massachusetts-based workforce management firm Kronos, found Chinese workers were the most likely to play hooky, with 71% admitting they had called in sick despite not actually being sick. India came in second with 62% of workers copping to the lie.

      Sajjad Hussain/AFP/Getty Images中国和印度经济腾飞的根本原因或许并非源自员工的奉献。调查发现,中国员工旷工的可能性最大,有71%的人承认曾打电话请假,谎称自己生病。印度在这方面居第二位,62%的员工曾装病请假。这项调查是为位于美国马萨诸塞州的劳动力管理解决方案提供商克罗诺思(Kronos)所做。

      France finished last (or first?) with 16% while the U.S. (52%) and U.K. (43%) finished in the middle.


       The survey, based on responses from more than 9,000 people in eight countries, was conducted in July and did not include a sampling error.


      Does this mean Chinese and India workers are lazier than their French counterparts? Not necessarily.


      As Joyce Maroney, director of Kronos-sponsored think tank the Workforce Institute, points out in an interview with Reuters, France is among the most generous countries in giving workers paid time off with a mandated minimum of 30 days per year. China (10 days minimum) and India (12 days minimum), meanwhile, are among the worst.

      正如克罗诺思赞助的智库Workforce Institute负责人马罗尼(Joyce Maroney)在接受路透社(Reuters)采访时所指出的,法国是世界上员工带薪假期最多的国家之一,每年至少有30天法定带薪年假,而中国和印度则是全球最低带薪假最少的国家之一,分别为10天和12天。

      “One could surmise that in those countries where more paid time off is given, people are less compelled to call in sick when they are not actually sick,” Ms. Maroney said in the interview.


      Vacation time has been the subject of fierce debate in China, particularly since 2007, when the country abolished the long May Day “Golden Week” holiday and replaced it with three shorter holidays spread throughout the year. Among the complaints: Chinese companies were hesitant to grant paid holidays at other times of the year.


      “Chinese people play hooky so they don’t die on the job,” joked a user of China’s popular Sina Weibo microblogging service writing under the name Xingruyu2001 in response to the survey results. “The worker’s compensation claims would be an inconvenience to our leaders.”


      In India, meanwhile, part of the issue is also the contrast between the busy workaholic ethos of the city and the leisurely pace of traditional Indian family life.


      “In the village, I could go to work whenever I wanted and take rest when needed,” says Amit Kumar, a 18-year-old worker at a New Delhi restaurant who recently arrived in the city from a village in the northern Indian state of Uttar Pradesh. “Here I hardly get any leave and it’s always work.” He says he feigns sickness once or twice a month and goes to visit new places in the city or simply rests at his room. His friends at the restaurant also do so, he says.

      前不久刚从印度北部的乌塔普拉德什邦(Uttar Pradesh)的某村庄来到新德里一个餐馆打工的18岁青年库玛(Amit Kumar)说,在村子里的时候,想工作就工作,需要休息就休息,时间全由自己掌握,但是在这里我几乎没有任何假期,一天到晚都要工作。他说,自己一个月当中会假装生病一两次,然后趁机逛逛新德里还没去过的地方,或者干脆在家休息。库玛说,他在这个餐馆打工的朋友也会这么做。

      While China had the highest percentage of respondents 45% ─ saying they thought employers could solve the problem by providing more time off, only a quarter of Indian workers felt the same way.


      Interestingly, China and India were among the only places were a majority of workers said employers used an automated system to keep track of absences something Kronos elsewhere claims can increase a company’s bottom line by as much as 10%.


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