作为全英文的考试,FRM考试中基础词汇的积累就显得非常重要,可以说是我们了解题意,正确解答题目的敲门砖,小编给大家整理了一批FRM考试Part1部分的基础词汇,各位伙伴可以关注【 备考经验 】板块,一起来打卡积累吧!
词汇积累:FRMP1风险管理基础词汇(10) 28. Credit default swaps (CDSs) 信用违约互换: Credit default swaps (CDSs)are financial derivatives that pay off when the issuer of a reference instrument(e.g., a corporate bond or a securitized fixed income instrument) defaults.CDSs 是指当参考工具(如公司债券或证券化固定收益工具)的发行人违约时,就会获得回报的金融衍生品。 29.Collateralized debt obligation (CDO)抵押债务凭证: A collateralized debt obligation (CDO) is a structured product that banks can use to unburden themselves of credit risk.CDO 是一种结构化产品,银行可以用它来降低信用风险。 30.Mortgage-backed security (MBS) 住房抵押贷款支持债券: Typically, the loans included in a CDO are heavily biased toward mortgage debt through a securitized basket of mortgages called a mortgage-backed security(MBS).通常情况下,包括在 CDO 中的贷款主要包含抵押贷款,通过一篮子被称为抵押贷款支持证券(MBS)的抵押贷款证券化。 以上就是词汇积累的相关内容!每日学习一点点,总会向前一大步! 相关推荐>>