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转移定价(transfer price)知识点在ACCA历年考试中频率很高。一般来说,简单的考核方式会给出一些条件让考生判断产品的外部需求是否已经满足,工厂是否已经满负荷运转,这些情况下应该选用可变成本还是市场价格来定价。
Bath Co is a company specialising in the manufacture and sale of baths. Each bath consists of a main unit plus a set of bath fittings. The company is split into two divisions, A and B. Division A manufactures the bath and Division B manufactures sets of bath fittings. Currently, all of Division A’s sales are made externally. Division B, however, sells to Division A as well as to external customers. Both of the divisions are profit centres.
The following data is available for both divisions:
The transfer price charged by Division B to Division A was negotiated some years ago between the previous divisional managers, who have now both been replaced by new managers. Head Office only allows Division A to purchase its fittings from Division B, although the new manager of Division A believes that he could obtain fittings of the same quality and appearance for $65 per set, if he was given the autonomy to purchase from outside the company. Division B makes no cost savings from supplying internally to Division A rather than selling externally.
(a) Under the current transfer pricing system, prepare a profit statement showing the profit for each of the divisions and for Bath Co as a whole. Your sales and costs figures should be split into external sales and inter-divisional transfers, where appropriate. (6 marks)
(b) Head Office is considering changing the transfer pricing policy to ensure maximisation of company profits without demotivating either of the divisional managers. Division A will be given autonomy to buy from external suppliers and Division B to supply external customers in priority to supplying to Division A.
Calculate the maximum profit that could be earned by Bath Co if transfer pricing is optimised. (8 marks)
(c) Discuss the issues of encouraging divisional managers to take decisions in the interests of the company as a whole, where transfer pricing is used. Provide a reasoned recommendation of a policy Bath Co should adopt.
首先,我们要明确题目中部门A和B分别代表什么角色。B是生产产品所用辅料的一方,A需要采购辅料来生产主要产品然后对外销售。B部门既销售给A又对外部销售。浏览题干是,我们需要注意Division A 数据中的Fitting from Division B 75美元这个金额,它对B来说是销售收入,而对A是采购成本。
Division B 的对外销售金额80。另一个重要信息点是Maximum annual production and sales of sets of fittings (units) 200,000,Maximum annual external demand for sets of fittings (units) 180,000,Maximum annual internal demand for sets of fittings (units) 80,000。
Workings ($’000)
(1)External sales
Div A: 80,000 x $450 = $36,000
Div B: 120,000 x $80 = $9,600
Div B: 80,000 x $75 = $6,000
题目中给出的信息是优先满足内部需求,所以先销售80,000给A部门,收入是80,000 x $75 = $6,000。剩下的产能(200,000-80,000=120,000)分配给外部市场,赚取的收入为120,000 x $80 = $9,600
(2)External material costs
Div A: 80,000 x $200 = $16,000
Div B: 200,000 x $5 = $1,000
(3)Inter-divisional transfers
Div A: 80,000 x $75 = $6,000
(4)Labour costs
Div A: 80,000 x $45 = $3,600
Div B: 200,000 x $15 = $3,000
Activity based costing(ABC)作为完全成本法的一种代替会计核算方法受到了更多的青睐,因为它克服了传统方法带来的分配不公等问题。
这样的现象如果再采用通过Labour hours来分配Overheads的话,就会产生产量高的部分分配到了较多的成本,产量低的部分被分配到比较少的成本,在成了明显的不公平。
①Identify an organization’s major activities that support the manufacture of the organization’s products or the provision of its services.
②Use cost allocation and apportionment methods to charge overhead costs to each of these activities. The costs that accumulate for each activity cost centre is called a cost pool.
③Identify the factors which determine the size of the costs of an activity/affect the costs of an activity. These are known as cost drivers.
即使是再先进的方法还是有其弊端,针对于ABC这种比较高级的会计核算方法来说,不管是计算起来比较难把握,因为不是每种Overheads都可以被单一的Cost driver来分摊.