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2020年12月ACCA考季第三天考试上午场结束了!各位参加ACCA PM考试的考生们,你们都考了哪些知识点呀!快来看看网校的其他考生们在考试中都考了哪些知识点,看看有没有和你一样的!
Customer relationship management systems
Customer Relationship Management(CRM) is defined as“the collection and analysis of informationdesigned for sales and marketing decision support to understand and support existing and potentialcustomer needs.It includes account management, catalog and order entry, payment processing, creditsand adjustments, and other functions."
The CRM system definition, then, would be a set of software applications that help an organizationdetermine the needs and preferences of their customers by managing, organizing, tracking and storingall customer interactions.CRM systems use advanced technology to replace the handwritten, manualdocumentation processes of the past.CRM systems allow users to document everything, from simplecontact information to specific conversations with customers.
CRM systems are valuable because the information they provide can help boost the general businessgoals of an organization.For instance, if sales consultants know the specific needs and preferences oftheir customers, they can deliver a more personalized service creating a more client-focusedenvironment.CRM systems also provide a central documentation location, allowing employees acrossdifferent departments access to the same information.