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来源: 互联网 2011-08-17

  European auto stocks, among the market stars over the past two years, were badly battered during the market's rout, as investors feared that political and economic uncertainties in Europe and the U.S. could lead to another recession.


  A solid second-quarter earnings season, led by booming demand for cars in China, Brazil and Russia, counted for little then. Now, as stock markets seek to regain their balance, investors are returning their attention to car companies with a strong presence in China and a strong business in the luxury end.


  For many analysts, that means premium German auto makers BMW and Daimler. Backed by healthy balance sheets and large cash reserves, they are seen as best placed if the economic concerns ease. Should a recession materialize, on the other hand, analysts see them as more resilient than their peers.


  “Assuming ongoing economic expansion, Daimler and BMW look very attractive in absolute terms, with robust fundamentals and very low valuations,” Sanford Bernstein analyst Max Warburton said. He rates both BMW and Daimler stock as outperform.

  投资机构Sanford Bernstein的分析师沃伯顿(Max Warburton)说,假设经济扩张能够持续,按绝对价值计算,戴姆勒和宝马看上去非常具有吸引力,因为它们基本面强劲,估值很低。他给宝马和戴姆勒的股票评级为“强于大盘”。

  China, the world's second-largest economy, has been driving a broad industry recovery in recent quarters. It became Volkswagen's largest single market last year and is the biggest sales region for flagship luxury sedans from BMW and Mercedes-Benz. Analysts, however, have warned that an overreliance on growth in China increases risks related to possible regulatory interference there. Authorities, particularly in large cities such as Beijing, have at times sought to manage the growth of the local car market through special taxes.


  Investors still recall the dramatic drop in stock prices in 2008s, when car sales tanked due to rising unemployment amid recession and tightening credit markets. But so far, monthly new-car registration data released by car makers or industry associations show no evidence that the economic worries have cut car sales. Figures for August will be released in early September.


  This month's market turbulence prompted Deutsche Bank analyst Jochen Gehrke to cut the price targets for European auto stocks and warned that a possible recession would send shares further down.

  本月市场的动荡促使德意志银行(Deutsche Bank)的分析师盖克(Jochen Gehrke)下调欧洲汽车股的目标价。他警告说,可能到来的经济衰退将进一步拉低股价。

  “We have opted for a balanced view to construct our updated target prices, giving the ”slowdown, but no industry recession“ scenario the highest probability for now,” he added. The bank's favorites are Daimler and Volkswagen.


  UniCredit analyst Georg Sturzer said the current “recession fears offer opportunities” and picked Daimler as the most promising stock to bet on a market recovery.

  裕信(UniCredit)分析师斯图策(Georg Sturzer)说,眼下对经济衰退的担忧提供了多种机遇。他最看好戴姆勒的前景,并挑中戴姆勒的股票押注市场复苏。

  Analysts say Volkswagen, Europe's largest auto maker by sales volume, should gain significant economies of scale in coming years through flexible system to build cars and share technology across its many brands. But its strong presence in China and Brazil makes it more vulnerable to volatile sales swings in emerging markets than some others.


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