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来源: 互联网 2011-08-09

  Asian markets saw their initial losses deepen in midday trading Monday as investors grew skeptical following the historic downgrade of U.S. debt and moves to shore up European debt over the weekend. Gold also rose to a new nominal record near $1,700 an ounce.


  But 10-year U.S. Treasury yields fell in midday Asian trading despite worries that the downgrade would trim investor appetite for U.S. debt.


  By midday, Japan's Nikkei Stock Average had fallen 2.1%, while Hong Kong's Hang Seng Index was down 4.1%. Australia's S&P/ASX 200 shed 2% to a fresh two-year low, and China's Shanghai Composite fell 3.7%.

  相关阅读到中午,日本日经指数(Nikkei Stock Average)已下跌2.1%,香港恒生指数(Hang Seng Index)跌4.1%,澳大利亚S&P/ASX 200指数下跌2%至新的两年低点,中国上证综合指数下跌3.7%。

  Markets seen as most exposed to U.S. growth were off sharply. Korea's Kospi Index dropped 3.3% and its currency, unlike most, fell against the dollar.


  Investors and analysts said after last week's sharp selloff, prices of many assets had already partially taken into account a possible downgrade, along with lowered prospects for global economic growth.


  'For share markets the downgrade should have been discounted already, but it adds to uncertainty and reinforces the pressure for premature fiscal tightening in the U.S. It's also a blow to U.S. confidence,' said Shane Oliver, head of investment strategy at AMP Capital Investors in Sydney.

  悉尼基金公司AMP Capital Investors投资策略负责人奥利弗(Shane Oliver)说,对于股市来说,这次评级下调应该是早就已经消化了,但下调增加了不确定性,并使美国过早收紧财政的压力加大;它对美国的信心也是一个冲击。

  In a sign that investors continue to see U.S. debt as a safe haven despite Standard & Poor's downgrade late Friday, the 10-year Treasury yield fell in Singapore trading, to 2.55%, from Friday's New York close of 2.563%, while the yield on two-year Treasurys fell to 0.272% from 0.292% late Friday.

  新加坡市场,10年期美国国债收益率从上周五纽约市场收盘时的2.563%降至2.55%,两年期美国国债收益率从上周五收盘0.292%降至0.272%。这说明,尽管标准普尔(Standard & Poor's)在上周五晚间下调了美国国债评级,但投资者仍将它视为一种避险资产。

  The dollar continued to take the brunt of investors' ire over the situation in the U.S. Against the Japanese yen it fell to ¥78.04, and was down nearly 0.5% against the euro to $1.436, a signal that investors cheered an announcement by the European Central Bank that it would extend its bond buying program to help avert debt worries in two of Europe's larger economies, Italy and Spain.

  投资者对美国现状的愤怒继续冲击美元。美元对日圆下跌至1美元兑78.04日圆的水平,对欧元下跌接近0.5%至1欧元兑1.436美元。后者说明投资者受到欧洲央行(European Central Bank)宣布的计划鼓舞,欧洲央行宣布将扩大债券购买计划,帮助欧洲两个较大经济体意大利和西班牙避开债务危机。

  Investors continued to pile into gold as a safe haven from the tumult in paper currencies. Gold prices were up about 2%, as traders said the yellow metal is likely to breach the $1,700 a troy ounce barrier in the near-term. Spot gold was at $1,696.80 an ounce.


  Anticipation for continued market turmoil was high. In Hong Kong, the head of the Hong Kong Monetary Authority, which oversees the territory's currency peg to the U.S. dollar, called a early morning press conference to calm investors.

  投资者对市场继续动荡的预期颇高。香港金融管理局(Hong Kong Monetary Authority)负责管理港元与美元的挂钩,为安抚投资者,该局负责人清早召开了一场新闻发布会。

  Norman Chan, the HKMA's chief executive said he doesn't expect the S&P downgrade to place significant pressure on the U.S. dollar, as the new double-A-plus rating is still "very high." He said the U.S. dollar remains the world's most important settling currency for international trade and financial products.

  金管局总裁陈德霖(Norman Chan)说,他预计标普的降级不会对美元施加很大压力,因为新的AA+评级仍然“很高”。他说美元仍然是世界上最重要的国际贸易和金融产品结算货币。

  Mr. Chan said that while economic growth has slowed faster than expectations, he thinks the risk of a double-dip recession in the U.S. isn't high.


我要纠错】 责任编辑:雨非





