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来源: 互联网 2011-08-06

  China will make aircraft manufacturing a cornerstone of its “new strategic industry” plan, an upgrade in status that will lock in long-term government support for the nation’s fledgling rivals to Boeing and Airbus.


  The move is troubling for the world’s two biggest aircraft-makers, which have already been bracing themselves for increased competition from emerging rivals. “The days of the duopoly with Airbus are over,” Jim Albaugh, head of Boeing’s civil aircraft division, said at the Paris Air Show in June.

  此举对全球两大飞机制造商不是好消息,它们本来就已经在准备迎接来自新兴市场对手的更激烈竞争。“与空客一起形成双头垄断的日子结束了,”波音民用飞机集团总裁兼首席执行官安波杰(Jim Albaugh) 6月份在巴黎航空展(Paris Air Show)上表示。

  China’s decision to place greater emphasis on aircraft development follows a bullet train crash that killed 40 people last month, undermining public trust in the country’s trains and questioning the government’s rush to build a sprawling, high-speed rail network.


  Beijing is close to announcing new rules to help domestic aircraft manufacturers so they can provide a big slice of the 4,000 aircraft China is expected to buy over the next 20 years, the Shanghai Securities News, an official newspaper, said on Thursday.


  China said last year it would direct more money and broader policy support at seven “new strategic industries”, many of which have an environmental or high-tech focus, such as alternative-fuel cars and biotechnology.


  Aerospace was included in that initial seven-industry plan within the category of “high-end equipment manufacturing”. High-speed rail was also in that category. However, the Shanghai Securities News said aircraft would be “the most important part” of high-end equipment manufacturing and made no mention of high-speed rail.


  Chinese aircraft manufacturers have already received ample state funding and, despite all the safety concerns following the accident, government investment in rail is likely to remain strong as well.


  However, the balance might now begin to shift towards the aviation industry. In the wake of July’s rail disaster, passengers have reported that first-class carriages on the new bullet train line between Beijing and Shanghai have been nearly empty, while airline tickets between the two cities have been in high demand from travellers.


  China’s aircraft ambitions could use an extra boost, having come up short so far. Its first passenger aircraft, the Comac ARJ21 regional jet, completed its maiden flight in 2008, three years behind schedule. Deliveries to customers were further delayed last year when the aircraft’s wing broke during ground-based testing.


  The Commercial Aircraft Corp of China (Comac), the government-owned company driving China’s aircraft development, is also taking a more direct shot at breaking the Airbus-Boeing duopoly with its C919 narrow-body plane. Still in development, the first deliveries of the C919, which will compete against the Airbus 320 and the Boeing 737, are scheduled for 2016.


  The European and US aerospace and defence companies have dominated the lucrative market for narrow-body aircraft over the past 20 years, but are now facing challenges not only from Chinese manufacturers but also from Bombardier of Canada.


  Bradley Perrett, a Chinese aerospace expert at Aviation Week, said that the C919 contained advanced technology, much of it foreign made, but that performance was “not likely to be optimal” because of Comac’s inexperience as a manufacturer. Most analysts expect state backing to drive good sales in China but predict that foreign carriers will be more reluctant to use the model.

  《航空周刊》(Aviation Week)的中国航空航天业专家白广原(Bradley Perrett)表示,C919型飞机含有先进技术,其中不少产自国外,但由于中国商用飞机公司作为一家制造商还缺乏经验,因此该机的性能“不太可能达到最优”。多数分析师预期,政府支持将推动其在中国国内市场取得较好的销售业绩,但海外航空公司将不太愿意采用该机型。

  “If it is priced cheaply, and this is where subsidies come into question, it could find a market outside China,” said Perrett.


  Boeing has estimated that demand for commercial aircraft from China alone could be worth $480bn over the next two decades.


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