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来源: 互联网 2011-04-26

  One of the biggest impacts of the end of the Federal Reserve's bond-buying program may be felt in the commodities markets, where the injection of liquidity has helped send prices of metals, grains and energy to multiyear highs.

  美联储(Federal Reserve)债券购买计划的结束会带来诸多影响,其中大宗商品市场可能会受到最大的冲击。流动性的注入已经将金属、粮食和能源的价格推至多年来的新高。

  Commodities are especially sensitive to Fed policies, as prices are driven by inflation expectations, which are closely tied to the Fed's every move. Also, these markets are much smaller in size than stocks and bonds, suggesting they tend to swing more in response to changing policies.


  As the Fed prepares to end its $600 billion bond-buying program, known as quantitative easing, or QE2, some money managers are preparing their own withdrawal.


  London-based Diapason Commodities Management SA, which oversees $9 billion in assets, is likely to cut back on some exposure to more-cyclical commodities, such as energy and base metals, if it thinks risk is increasing, said Sean Corrigan, Diapason's chief investment strategist.

  Getty Images今年二月,芝加哥交易所的玉米期权交易员。大宗商品价格受通胀预期的驱动,而通胀预期又与美联储的每一步动作紧密相关。伦敦大宗商品管理公司Diapason Commodities Management SA首席投资策略师柯瑞根(Sean Corrigan)说,若公司认为风险在增加,也许会降低某些周期性更强的大宗商品的敞口,比如能源和基本金属。该公司管理着90亿美元的资产。

  "We have had a one-way run for six months. We can't be too greedy," Corrigan said.


  Commodities under management, including mutual funds and exchange-traded funds, have seen a record inflow of $48.8 billion since the Fed's QE2 announcement last August, with total managed assets in commodities hitting $412 billion by the end of March, according to Barclays Capital.

  根据巴克莱资本(Barclays Capital)统计,自美联储去年8月开始实施第二轮量化宽松政策以来,共同基金和交易所买卖基金等机构的大宗商品持仓流入资金达到创纪录的488亿美元,截止三月底,大宗商品持仓总额达到4120亿美元。

  Given how profitable and crowded the markets are, "once the liquidation begins, you don't know how far it will run," he said.


  But other investors are betting that the Fed will be late in raising interest rates in order not to damp the nascent economic recovery. With cheap money circulating in the system, commodities still will be sought after as a risky asset.


  "Let's face it, they are still going to go for a very low-interest-rate environment, which still creates big inflationary concerns," said Robert Holroyd, director of Commodity Strategies AG, a $200 million commodity fund.

  规模达2亿美元的大宗商品基金Commodity Strategies AG的负责人赫尔罗伊德(Robert Holroyd)说,让我们面对事实吧,他们依然会选择利率极低的环境,仍会引发大的通胀担忧。

  To get an indication of how heady markets have gotten, gold has notched five consecutive records, closing on Thursday above $1,500 a troy ounce for the first time. Silver is up 49% this year, closing in on its all-time nominal high hit in 1980. Both cotton and coffee prices soared to record levels this year. Gasoline prices have jumped 35% this year.


  Robust demand from emerging markets also is likely to provide some support for commodities.


  But commodities also are likely to face headwinds in emerging markets, where inflation is running high. As China and India become determined to combat inflation, "it is dangerous to be long commodities," said Russell Napier, global macro strategist for CLSA Asia-Pacific Markets. "Many investors have probably misread the political risk associated with commodities."

  不过大宗商品也可能会面临新兴市场的逆风,那里的通胀正日益高涨。里昂证券亚太区市场(CLSA Asia-Pacific Markets)全球宏观策略师纳皮尔(Russell Napier)说,随着中国和印度开始决心对抗通胀,长期持有大宗商品是危险的;许多投资者可能已经误读了大宗商品带来的政治风险。

  Instead of playing defensively, some investors look at the Fed's exit as an opportunity. At Liberty Trading Group, a Tampa, Fla., options seller, there has been an influx of new investment money over the past few months.

  一些投资者未采取守势,反而将美联储退出QE2当做一个机会。过去几个月内,佛罗里达州期权卖方Liberty Trading Group一直有新的投资资金注入。

  Liberty is selling calls, a bet that prices will fall, on behalf of its clients in gold, silver and coffee, which have all seen big rallies.


  "Our clients are coming to us as they want to get ready for QE2 ending, thinking that this rally has probably run its course," said James Cordier, the founder. -By Carolyn Cui, The Wall Street Journal; carolyn.cui@wsj.com

  Liberty 创始人科尔迪尔(James Cordier)说,客户找我们是想为第二轮量化宽松结束做准备,他们认为这种全线大涨的局面可能已经快到头了。

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