应交税金-营业税 Tax payable - business tax
应交税金-消费税 Tax payable - consumable tax
应交税金-其他 Tax payable - others
递延税款贷项 Deferred taxation credit
股本 Share capital
已归还投资 Investment returned
利润分配-其他转入 Profit appropriation - other transfer in
利润分配-提取法定盈余公积 Profit appropriation - statutory surplus reserve
利润分配-提取法定公益金 Profit appropriation - statutory welfare reserve
利润分配-提取储备基金 Profit appropriation - reserve fund
利润分配-提取企业发展基金 Profit appropriation - enterprise development fund
利润分配-提取职工奖励及福利基金 Profit appropriation - staff bonus and welfare fund
利润分配-利润归还投资 Profit appropriation - return investment by profit
利润分配-应付优先股股利 Profit appropriation - preference shares dividends
利润分配-提取任意盈余公积 Profit appropriation - other surplus reserve
利润分配-应付普通股股利 Profit appropriation - ordinary shares dividends
利润分配-转作股本的普通股股利 Profit appropriation - ordinary shares dividends converted to shares
期初未分配利润 Retained earnings, beginning of the year
资本公积-股本溢价 Capital surplus - share premium
资本公积-接受捐赠非现金资产准备 Capital surplus - donation reserve
资本公积-接受现金捐赠 Capital surplus - cash donation
资本公积-股权投资准备 Capital surplus - investment reserve
资本公积-拨款转入 Capital surplus - subsidiary
资本公积-外币资本折算差额 Capital surplus - foreign currency translation
资本公积-其他 Capital surplus - others
盈余公积-法定盈余公积金 Surplus reserve - statutory surplus reserve
盈余公积-任意盈余公积金 Surplus reserve - other surplus reserve
盈余公积-法定公益金 Surplus reserve - statutory welfare reserve
盈余公积-储备基金 Surplus reserve - reserve fund
盈余公积-企业发展基金 Surplus reserve - enterprise development fund
盈余公积-利润归还投资 Surplus reserve - reture investment by investment
主营业务收入 Sales