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  • 中国楼市繁荣走向低迷?(双语)

    来源: 互联网 2011-10-09

      Chinese bonds and equities are flashing warning signs that suggest the booming mainland property sector is heading for a bust – the effects of which could ripple across financial markets worldwide.


      A sector that was until last year the darling of international investors is turning into a horror show as traders have started to digest evidence that real estate prices are falling and developers are losing access to funding.


      Fears have intensified in the international bond markets, where Chinese property developers have sold $19bn of debt in recent years. Prices of these bonds have tumbled by an average 22 cents on the dollar in the past two months alone, causing yields to jump.


      “You’re seeing yields now above 20 percent, which implies significant default risk,” says Owen Gallimore, Asia credit strategist at ANZ. He warns that at least half a dozen developers are in serious danger of defaulting on their bonds.

      “现在你可以看到收益率达到20%以上,这意味着存在重大违约风险,”澳新银行(ANZ)亚洲信贷策略师欧文?加利莫尔(Owen Gallimore)表示。他警告称,至少有6家开发商面临严重的债券违约危险。

      Equity markets are also delivering a brutal verdict. Since the start of the year, Chinese property stocks listed in Hong Kong have declined 40 percent, compared to a 22 percent fall in the benchmark Hang Seng index.

      股市也在作出无情的判决。自今年年初以来,在香港上市的中国地产类股已下跌40%,而基准的恒生指数(Hang Seng index)同期内的跌幅为22%。

      “People are worrying about default risk, and the implications for property companies themselves, for the banking system and for the overall equity market,” says Agnes Deng, head of China equities at Baring Asset Management.

      “人们在担心违约风险,以及这对地产公司本身、银行业体系和股市整体的影响,”霸菱资产管理(Baring Asset Management)的中国股票业务主管邓鸿文(Agnes Deng)表示。

      On a recent fact-finding trip to the Pearl River Delta, Ms Deng said she saw many developers reducing selling prices by 5 percent or more amid a decline in transaction volumes, even though September and October are traditionally the strongest months for mainland property sales.


      According to government data, Chinese property prices have risen 60 percent since the end of 2006. However, private sector estimates suggest that in many areas the jump in prices is several multiples of the official figures.


      Partly as a result of the dearth of accurate, comprehensive data on supply and demand for housing in China, there is a wide array of opinions about whether the market is a bubble, and if it is, whether it has started to burst.


      What is without doubt, however, is that Chinese property developers took on enormous amounts of debt in recent years as they pursued aggressive expansion plans, leaving them little room for manoeuvre if property sales do fall.


      Making matters worse, developers are losing access to funding, having been frozen out of public bond markets for the past three months. Meanwhile, state-owned banks are following government orders to rest-rict lending to all but the most powerful developers.


      According to Chinese media, the government this month told the trust company sector, part of the country’s fast-growing shadow banking system, to stop lending to certain developers. “The trust companies were the lender of last resort, which is why it’s so serious for that tap to be turned off,” says Mr Gallimore.


      Standard & Poor’s, the rating agency, this week conducted a stress test to determine how the 30 Chinese developers that it rates would perform in a downturn. For bondholders, the results were sobering.

      评级机构标准普尔(Standard & Poor’s)本周进行了一次压力测试,以确定该机构评估的30家中国开发商在低迷期间将如何表现。对债券持有者来说,压力测试的结果是催人警醒的。

      Most developers could withstand a 10 percent decline in property sales in 2012, S&P found. But more than half of the companies, including several large operators such as Evergrande, would struggle to meet debt repayments if contract sales fall by 30 percent.


      In January 2010, when bullish sentiment about China was running high, Evergrande sold $1.35bn of five-year bonds to US, European and Asian investors with a coupon of 13 percent. Those bonds are now trading at 73 cents on the dollar, giving a yield of 26 percent. Meanwhile, Hong Kong-listed shares in Evergrande are trading at a multiple of just four times its forecast 2011 earnings.


      While prices like these may appear attractive, analysts warn they could fall much lower. In 2008, when there were only a few Chinese property bonds in the market, bond prices slumped to below 50 cents on the dollar as the mainland housing market started to implode.


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