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来源: 互联网 2011-07-04

  China's Ministry of Finance said it is scrapping certain rules that foreign companies say favored domestic products for government procurement, a significant step toward easing concerns that global companies would be excluded from billions of dollars in contracts.


  As part of a broader government initiative to foster "indigenous innovation," the Finance Ministry had issued a series of regulations in the past several years requiring products bought by the government to have Chinese intellectual property. Those rules and related ones from other ministries triggered a backlash among foreign companies and became one of the biggest sources of trade friction with the U.S.


  In a brief statement posted on its website, the Finance Ministry said that "after research," it had decided from July 1 to "stop enforcing" three regulations related to the procurement policy. It named the rules─to do with budget, screening and contract management─but didn't otherwise elaborate.


  In January, Chinese President Hu Jintao, on a state visit to the U.S., agreed to delink Beijing's innovation policies from its government-procurement preferences and pledged that China wouldn't discriminate against products from foreign suppliers. But executives and officials have been waiting for formal statements from China's central government implementing that policy and telling other arms of government to comply.


  In a statement, U.S.-China Business Council President John Frisbie said the Finance Ministry notice is "an important development given that companies encounter indigenous-innovation policies and barriers to sales at multiple" government levels in China. "Though the measures represent only a portion of the full list of regulations that tie indigenous innovation and government procurement, the elimination of these measures is an important step toward fulfilling pledges made by" Chinese leaders, including Mr. Hu, he said.

  美中贸易全国委员会(U.S.-China Business Council)会长傅强恩(John Frisbie)说,考虑到企业在中国各级政府遭遇自主创新政策,和销售产品的障碍,财政部的公告是“一个重要进展”。他说,虽然这些被废除的措施只代表将自主创新与政府采购挂钩的所有规定的一部分,但其废除是朝着兑现胡锦涛等中国领导人所做承诺迈出的重要一步。

  In addition to the Finance Ministry's procurement regulations, the National Development and Reform Commission and the Ministry of Science and Technology also issued rules that established an accreditation system under the banner of "Indigenous Innovation" through which companies would have to submit their products in order to be considered for government procurement. The status of those other rules isn't clear. None of the three ministries responded to requests for comment Thursday.


  Executives warned that the significance of this week's change will depend on implementation. Ted Dean, chairman of the American Chamber of Commerce in China, said the announcement was "a very important step" in delinking government procurement from indigenous innovation. But it's unclear whether "other parts of the indigenous-innovation regulatory regime," including the other two ministries involved in these regulations, will follow suit, he said. "We need to watch and see" how it is put into practice at the provincial and city levels, he added.

  公司高管提醒说,本周的更改声明是否具有重要意义,将取决于它能否得到有效执行。中国美国商会(American Chamber of Commerce in China)主席狄安华(Ted Dean)说,声明在政府采购与自主创新的脱钩方面迈出了很重要的一步。但他说,目前还不清楚自主创新监管体制的其它组成部分(包括这些规定涉及的其它两个部委)是否也会这么做。他还说,我们应关注这则声明如何在省市层面得到落实。

  China's government-procurement rules have been obscure both in their terms and in their scope, leaving unclear, for example, whether they apply to the purchases by China's enormous state-owned companies, and how authorities would define domestic intellectual property when many technology products are developed across several different countries.


  While central government authorities have repeatedly said that foreign companies would be included in considerations for accreditation and treated equally to Chinese companies, foreign companies complained that some local governments were excluding them from procurement catalogs anyway. Industry groups representing most of the world's major technology companies have therefore continued to press the central government to reconsider the indigenous-innovation procurement policies, saying the rules were onerous and discriminatory and violate Beijing's commitments to resist protectionism.


  China is a World Trade Organization member, but it hasn't signed on to the WTO's voluntary Agreement on Government Procurement that bars discrimination against foreign companies bidding on government projects.

  中国是世界贸易组织(WTO)成员,但还没有签署该组织自愿性的政府采购协议(Agreement on Government Procurement)。该协议禁止歧视那些竞标政府项目的外国企业。

  "Ultimately, the best safeguard of a transparent government procurement process would be China's accession to the Government Procurement Agreement," Mr. Dean said. "We urge China to move forward with a robust revised accession offer that can form the basis for negotiations on China's accession."


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