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来源: 互联网 2011-04-22

  About 7% of China's foreign trade in the first quarter was done in transactions denominated in yuan, up from 0.5% a year earlier, illustrating the Chinese currency's rapidly growing -- though still small -- international role.


  China's banks handled a total of 360.3 billion yuan ($55.2 billion) in cross-border trade deals denominated in the Chinese currency in the first three months of the year, Xinhua news agency reported Monday, citing a central-bank official. The volume was up from 309.3 billion yuan in the fourth quarter of 2010, or 5.7% of foreign trade, and was nearly 20 times the 18.4 billion yuan in such deals in the first quarter of 2010, according to earlier data from the People's Bank of China.


  Until a couple of years ago, effectively all of China's foreign trade was done in dollars or, to a much lesser extent, other foreign currencies, a byproduct of the country's tight controls on the use of its currency outside its borders.

  Bloomberg News直到几年前,中国所有的对外贸易实际上都是以美元或其他外国货币结算(后者的比例要小得多),这是中国严格控制在境外使用人民币造成的。直到几年前,中国所有的对外贸易实际上都是以美元或其他外国货币结算(后者的比例要小得多),这是中国严格控制在境外使用人民币造成的。

  Since the global financial crisis, however, China's leaders have become increasingly determined to reduce the use of the U.S. dollar. In recent months, they have aggressively pushed the expansion of yuan trading outside mainland China, setting up Hong Kong as a trading hub and encouraging yuan trading in major financial centers such as New York and London.


  They also have entered into deals with Russia and Brazil to give companies the option of settling trade deals in local currency rather than in dollars. And Chinese officials have allowed some foreign firms to issue bonds in yuan, including Caterpillar Inc., McDonald's Corp. and Unilever NV.

  他们还与俄罗斯和巴西达成协议,让公司能够选择以当地货币而非美元结算交易。中国官员还允许卡特彼勒(Caterpillar Inc.)、麦当劳(McDonald's Corp.)和联合利华(Unilever NV)等部分外资公司发行人民币债券。

  In 2009, the government began allowing exporters and importers in certain regions to use yuan to buy or sell goods abroad with specified trading patterns. The trials started slowly -- yuan deals accounted for just 0.1% of trade in the 2009 fourth quarter -- but have expanded rapidly.


  The process has been helped by the government's move last June to let the yuan start appreciating against the dollar, albeit gradually. Perceptions that the yuan is undervalued and is therefore likely to appreciate have made trading companies outside China more willing to take the currency as payment.


  Indeed, most of the yuan-based trade deals so far have involved Chinese companies using the Chinese currency to buy goods from others. The Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, a state-run think tank, said in a study issued Monday that about 80% of yuan trade in the first three quarters of 2010 was accounted for by China's imports.


  Mark Williams, an economist at research firm Capital Economics, said there is likely a limit to how much foreigners will be willing to accept in yuan payments, because there are still strict curbs on their ability to invest those assets, the result of the still-extensive capital controls that help Beijing manage the yuan's exchange rate. "There's a contradiction between these aims to internationalize the currency on the one hand and to maintain your hold on the value of the currency on the other," he said.

  研究公司Capital Economics的经济学家威廉姆斯(Mark Williams)说,外国人接受人民币支付的意愿可能会有一个限度,因为中国依然在进行广泛的资本控制,这些措施有助于管理人民币汇率,但外国人用所持的人民币进行投资能力受到抑制。威廉姆斯说,一方面要促进人民币国际化,一方面要维持对人民币价值的控制,二者相互矛盾。

  The growing use of yuan to pay for imports also may be having the unintended effect of helping pump up the Chinese central bank's holdings of foreign currency, which soared by $197.4 billion in the first quarter, to $3.0447 trillion. That stockpile has caused headaches for Beijing, which holds most of it in U.S. government debt and other dollar assets.


  The central bank amasses those reserves because it must buy dollars that flow into the country from sources like exporters and foreign investors. In the past, when Chinese importers had to use foreign currency, they had to buy it from the central bank, which acted to reduce the size of the reserves. But payments that are made in yuan do nothing to eat into the reserves.


  Economists say about $130 billion of the first quarter's increase in China's foreign-exchange reserves isn't explained by the usual causes, such as export revenue and foreign investment, indicating there may have been big inflows of speculative "hot money" during the quarter. Mr. Williams said, however, that the use of yuan to pay for imports could explain roughly $40 billion of that increase.


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