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来源: Toddi Gutner 2009-11-10

  News of the worst unemployment numbers in 16 years is enough to create plenty of job jitters for most workers. But,with performance-review season in full swing,some people are bound to hear negative comments. In a tough economy,a bad review can seem insurmountable. But you can recover if you are willing to self-assess and be open-minded to what is being told to you,says Barbara Mohl,president of HRConnected,a human resources consulting firm. Here's how to bounce back:

  就业状况达到16年以来最糟糕的水平,这样的消息已经足以让大多数员工对自己的工作前景感到神经过敏了。不过,随着绩效考核季节的到来,一些员工肯定会听到不好的评价。在经济低迷的当下,面对不如人意的绩效考核结果似乎只能束手无策。但是,人力资源咨询公司HRConnected的总裁芭芭拉·莫尔(Barbara Mohl)表示,如果你愿意自我评估并且对上司的意见持开放态度,你就能顺利度过难关。以下就是帮你克服负面考核结果影响的几个诀窍:

  Be open to feedback. 坦诚接受反馈。

  The review is a communication tool for you and your manager to begin the conversation about your performance. You should be ready and willing to accept feedback. Remember,what you hear is usually meant to help you do your job better. Realize that this process is called a performance review,not a performance correction,says John Heins,senior vice president and chief human resources officer at staffing firm Spherion Corp. The review isn't the time to debate and resolve the problems. 'That conversation is best-suited for a follow-up meeting,says Mr. Heins.

  绩效考核是你和上司之间就你的业绩展开对话的一个沟通工具。你应该准备好并且愿意接受反馈。记住,你所听到的评价通常是为了帮助你更好地展开工作。猎头公司Spherion Corp.高级副总裁兼首席人力资源长约翰·亨氏(John Heins)表示,你要认识到,这个过程被称为绩效考核,而不是绩效纠正。绩效考核不是辩论和解决问题的时候。亨氏先生说,那样的对话最好留到绩效考核过后的后续会议上进行。

  Acknowledge your manager's comments. 承认上司的评价。

  Giving negative feedback can be stressful for a manager. Listen to and acknowledge what your manager is saying, regardless of whether you agree with the comments. The worst thing you can do is to make excuses or put the blame on someone else, says Beth Carvin,CEO and president of Nobscot,a retention management consulting firm in Honolulu. After you have heard your manager's comments and you understand what has been said,you can say I appreciate your feedback and I understand the issues you have addressed. If you feel strongly and have proof that the assessment is unfair,then you can say Thank you for your feedback,but I don't necessarily agree with X and I look forward to scheduling a follow-up meeting to discuss your points more specifically. Schedule that meeting before you leave the review.

  对于上司来说,给下属提出负面的反馈也是一件很有压力的事情。无论你是否同意上司的评价,你都要认真听取并且承认上司所说的一切。位于火奴鲁鲁的人才保留管理咨询公司Nobscot的首席执行长兼总裁贝司·卡文(Beth Carvin)表示,最糟糕的情况就是你试图辩解或者把责任推给别人。在你听到上司的评价并且领会他/她的意思之后,你可以这样说,“非常感谢你的反馈,我完全了解你所提出的问题。”如果你强烈认为或者有证据显示绩效评估有失公允,那么你可以说“非常感谢你的反馈,但是我并不完全同意某一点,我希望之后可以安排一次面谈,进一步讨论你的意见。”然后,在你离开考核会议之前,就敲定后续会议的时间。

  Create an action plan. 制定行动计划。

  Take time to reflect and review your manager's comments. You might want to discuss difficult issues with a mentor or friend. Then create an action plan that you can cover and add to in the follow-up meeting. If you don't agree with your boss on all points,give specific examples of where you think your manager is wrong. Keep in mind, though, you'll need to be proactive about how to turn things around —— regardless of whether you agree. Plan with your manager exactly what he or she would like you to improve,says Mr. Heins. Does something have to be done quicker or faster, or do you have to interact better with your colleagues?Ask if there might be a colleague who can mentor you and inquire about resources you can use to improve,recommends Ms. Mohl.


  Schedule periodic follow-up meetings. 安排定期的后续会议。

  Stay on top of the turnaround plan. Many employees don't take the time or initiative to check in with their supervisor to see how they're doing,says Ms. Carvin. Don't be afraid to toot your own horn,she says,and let your boss know what you're accomplishing. Check in at least every two to three weeks, or sooner if you've achieved a success at work.








