2021年第一学期澳洲注册会计师考试EG《道德与治理》知识点:CAREER PERSPECTIVES
Certified Practising Accountants (CPAs) are subject to formal continuous professional development (CPD) learning requirements.
CPA Australia recognises both technical and soft skills activities as satisfying CPD requirements.
Technical skill development is relatively more important in the early years of professional accountants’ actual careers, but as time passes, skills improve and as some CPAs move to partnership (and/or senior management) level, soft skills become more important.
Accountants need to have a strong foundation of technical skill, but building relationships, interacting with staff and clients, and leadership skills are required to further their careers.
以上就是EG《道德与治理》考点知识,更多CPA Australia资讯请关注正保会计网校澳洲cpa栏目。 2021正保会计网校助您备考,了解详情>>