2021年第一学期澳洲注册会计师考试GSL《全球战略与领导力》测试题:five forces model
Which one of the following statements best describes why Porter’s five forces model of competition is often used in conjunction with the rational approach?
A It is a superior method for understanding how to formulate strategy.
B It is a useful method for understanding the nature of competition within the organisation’s industry.
C It is a method managers can use to come to a consensus agreement about the contents of the organisation’s strategy.
D Senior management can use it to systematically analyse how competitors, substitute products, new entrants, customers and suppliers affect the organisation’s position in its industry
The correct answer is Option D. This answer acknowledges the fact that the managers can use the five forces model of competition to understand the factors that can impact the organisation, including its ability to compete effectively and position itself in the industry against its competitors. As a result, it allows managers to understand how the context should inform the strategy.
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