到目前为止,所有满足CPE要求的美国注册会计师已经收到了来自NASBA Automated Systems的电子邮件(),邮件重点内容涉及以下几点:
(1)提供注册CPE Audit Service 账号的链接()
(2)在线表格输入个人注册码(Registration Code)
(3)一旦您创建了帐户,请用公司或个人邮件给发送 an accepted contract,后续帐号的所有沟通都将用此电子邮件。
RE: Guam joins the NASBA CPE Audit Service
Good News! The Guam Board of Accountancy has implemented the NASBA CPE Audit Service. This new CPE tracking system online, enabling all Guam Licensees to create their individual accounts for reporting CPE courses and documentation, at any time, from anywhere access is available. This ability to immediately report and submit documentation CPE events eliminates the need to worry with maintaining CPE records throughout the year and submitting all via email to the Board by January 15th.
By now, all licensees subject to CPE reporting requirements should have received an email directly from NASBA Automated Systems () with a link to register your CPE Audit Service account () and a unique Registration Code to be entered in the online form. Once you have created your account, please make an accepted contact in your corporate e-mail policy or personal e-mail account, as all regarding your account from this email address. There is also a link to a Help Video to view a tutorial on the account registration process.
Please create your CPE Audit Service account using the unique registration code in the email you received. Though the Board has any paper CPE reports you submitted for 2018 – 2019 on file, you may enter your CPE information for prior years. As the Guam CPE rules are embedded in the system, doing so ensures that your 2020 CPE reporting, your record will for the entire 3 year CPE period under review in the event that you are chosen for audit. You will also be able to see any carryover hours available for satisfying future requirements.
NOTE that all reported CPE courses must meet the Statement on Standards for Continuing Professional Education (CPE) Programs (2019) published jointly by the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants (AICPA) and the National Association of State Boards of Accountancy (NASBA) [the standards]. The CPE providers from NASBA’s National Registry of CPE Providers are selectable when entering course providers. You may also ADD a course provider that may not be listed for selection, though final acceptance of such is subject to Board approval.
As always, you your annual CPE requirements by December 31st. An automatic extension to June 1st will be granted IF an additional 16 hours of CPE in A&A fields of study and report your CPE by June 1st. Any licensee that does not fulfill their annual requirements by December 31st will be assessed a delinquency fee of $75.00 for