威斯康星州,英文为Wisconsin (简写WI) ,在美国五十州内,列第十六位。首府麦迪逊。作为U.S.CPA报考州之一,威斯康星州2018年U.S.CPA报考条件如下:
针对非美国学历:Credits must be earned at an institution that offers a bachelor’s degree and which is accredited by an agency recognized by the Secretary of the U.S. Department of Education.
二、学分要求:150总学分;24 个会计学分或15个研究生阶段的学分(包含:financial accounting,cost or managerial accounting,taxation,auditing,accounting information systems);24个本科阶段的商业学分或15个研究生阶段的学分(包含:economics,finance,statistics or data analytics,business law,information technology)
注意:financial accounting, cost or managerial accounting, taxation, and auditing 不能是introduction level.
1 exam section
Auditing and Attestation (AUD) $378.03
Business Environment and Concepts (BEC) $355.51
Financial Accounting and Reporting (FAR) $378.03
Regulation (REG) $355.51
2 exam sections
AUD, FAR $591.06
AUD, REG $568.54
AUD, BEC $568.54
FAR, REG $568.54
BEC, FAR $568.54
BEC, REG $548.02
3 exam sections
AUD, FAR, REG $782.57
AUD, BEC, FAR $782.57
AUD, BEC, REG $761.05
BEC, FAR, REG $761.05
4 exam sections
AUD, BEC, FAR, REG $974.08
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