Postretirement benefits of other than pension
Benefits after the employees have retired.E.g.health care insurance,life insurance etc.
Obligation is attributable to services already rendered;
Rights accumulate or vest;
Payment is probable;and
Amount can be reasonably estimated
If only first three conditions are met,disclosure in a note to the F/S is adequate.
Accumulated Postretirement Benefit Obligation(APBO)is the present value of future benefits that have vested as of the measurement date.
Expected Postretirement Benefit Obligation(EPBO)is the present value of all future benefits expected to be paid as of the measurement date.
EPBO=APBO+PV of expected future benefits that have not yet vested.
The postretirement benefit obligation is accrued during the period the employee works(the attribution period)
The accrue begins at the employee‘s date of hire.
The accrue ends at the full eligibility date.
Net Postretirement Benefit Cost“=Sir Age
Service Cost
Interest Cost
Amortization of Prior Service Cost
and Losses
Amortization or Expense of the Transition Obligation. (Most company fully amortized since 2013)
Funded Status=FV of plan asset–APBO
FV of plan asset>APBO,overfunded,a positive funded status,Postretirement Benefit Plan Asset,Noncurrent.
FV of plan asset<APBO,underfunded,a negative funded status,Postretirement Benefit Plan Liability,Current / Noncurrent or both.
Disclosure as much as reasonably possible.
The effect on the APBO,service cost,and interest of cost of 1% increase/decrease in the healthcare cost trend rate.
Other disclosure.
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