ACCA AB是知识阶段的第一门考试,它的考试难度并不是很大,但考试的内容却比较繁杂。总体来说,AB一科中要考察的知识点包括以下几部分:
A Understand the purpose and types of businesses and how they interact with key stakeholders and the external environment.商业和商业环境
B Understand business organisation structure, functions and the role of corporate governance 组织结构和职能,公司治理
C Recognise the function of accountancy and audit in communicating, reporting and assuring financial information and in effective financial control and compliance 财务职能和审计
D Recognise the principles of authority and leadership and how teams and individuals are recruited, managed, motivated and developed. 领导和管理
E Understand the importance of personal effectiveness as the basis for effective team and organisational behaviour. 个人有效性和沟通
F Recognise that all aspects of business and finance should be conducted in a manner which complies with and is in the spirit of accepted professional ethics and professional values 商业伦理和道德
总的来说,ACCA AB这门课主要涉及到以下三门主要学科:组织行为学,人力资源管理,会计和审计。其中ACCA AB内组织行为学的内容包括:组织结构,个体,群体,团队管理,组织文化,管理原理和领导理论,激励理论,和沟通原理等,人力资源管理方面内容包括:招聘选拔,公平工作机会和多样化员工管理,员工培训和开发,绩效考评,和工作健康和安全等,会计和审计方面内容包括:会计职能,内审外审,内部控制,公司治理,和欺诈等。除了这三门主要学科外,AB还涉及到经济学,市场学,战略管理,职业道德,信息管理和时间管理等方面的内容。
Seciton A
Seciton B
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