Travix为携程集团全资子公司。 携程旅行网创立于1999年,总部设在中国上海,员工30000余人,目前公司已在北京、广州、深圳、成都、杭州、南京、厦门、重庆、青岛、沈阳、武汉、三亚、丽江、香港、南通17个城市设立分支机构,在南通设立服务联络中心。2010年,携程旅行网战略投资台湾易游网和香港永安旅游,完成了两岸三地的布局。2014年,投资途风旅行网,将触角延伸及北美洲。 作为中国领先的综合性旅行服务公司,携程成功整合了高科技产业与传统旅行业,向超过2.5亿会员提供集无线应用、酒店预订、机票预订、旅游度假、商旅管理及旅游资讯在内的全方位旅行服务,被誉为互联网和传统旅游无缝结合的典范。 凭借稳定的业务发展和优异的盈利能力,CTRIP于2003年12月在美国纳斯达克成功上市,上市当天创纳市3年来开盘当日涨幅至高纪录。 今日的携程在在线旅行服务市场居领先地位,成为全球市值前三的在线旅行服务公司。
*Leading the whole FP&A function for the group, with 3 direct reports.
*Ownership for forecasting and analyzing P&L, Balance Sheet and Cash Flow for the company.
*Ownership for the delivery of the Annual Operating Budget to the board and shareholders
*Cross functionally liaise and partner with key decisions makers around the business, from commercial to IT, to drive financially sound decision making
*Managing and improving all FP&A processes and reporting, from margin and cost analysis to variance reporting, to a work class standard
*Providing ad-hoc analysis on areas of potential risk or opportunity in advance of them becoming major issues.
*Providing sound analytical and thoughtful business decision support on ad-hoc investments and other business cases.
*Over 7 years of experience within finance/financial management roles of increasing responsibility.
*Experience in a "hands on" business partnership role with the ability to demonstrate partnership successes.
*Qualified finance, accounting and relevant university degree
*ACCA members are preferred
*Superior analytical skills with a proven record of accomplishment of leveraging data analysis to drive change.
*Must possess the ability to challenge the status quo and drive business process and design changes.
*Ability to work with different cultures and across different levels of people.
*Excellent interpersonal and communication skills
*Team management experience is a plus
*Experience with business intelligence tool is a plus