Exchange rate system_ACCA考试FM知识点来啦!2021年ACCA考试时间越来越近,小编为大家整理了Exchange rate system _ACCA考试FM知识点,希望能够帮助到大家。
Exchange rate system
Exchange rate system
◆Fixed exchange rates
◆Floating exchange rates
√Managed floating exchange rates (sometimes called a 'dirty float')
√Freely floating exchange rates (sometimes called a 'clean float’)
Exchange rates and business
◆A lower exchange rate
√Domestic goods are cheaper in foreign markets à demand for export increases
√Foreign goods are expensive à demand for import decreases
√Imported raw materials are expensive à costs of production increase
◆A higher exchange rate
√Domestic goods are expensive in foreign marketsà demand for export falls
√Foreign goods are cheaper à demand for import rises
√Imported raw materials are cheaper à costs of production fall
以上就是小编为大家整理的Exchange rate system_ACCA考试FM知识点了,希望大家能够认真学习,倒计时,预祝到家顺利通过ACCA考试。
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