1、FW Taylor
Scientific theory
1)Development true science of work(establish the most efficient method)真正的工作是科学的流派,要制定科学的工作方法。
2)Scientific selection and progressive development of work(planning and doing are separated)要科学的、循序渐进地开发员工的能力,计划和实际的工作要分开。
3)Application of techniques to plan,measure and control work(micro-designed job)在计划和控制的过程中,管理层一定要讲究一定的技术,工作设计的不要太过复杂,要越细致,越明了,越好。这样可以减少员工犯错误。
4)Constant cooperation between management and workers(pay is only incentive)管理层和员工之间要有持续的沟通,认为,给员工支付薪水是唯一的激励方式。
2、Henri Fayol
Five functions of management
3、Elton Mayor
Human Relation
People are motivated by a variety of psychological need,including social or“belonging”need.心理上的需求可以用于激励员工,比如,归属感。
He was involved in the Hawthorne study.属于霍桑实验的一部分。
It rapidly became apparent that worker attitude and group relationships were of greater importance in determining the levels of production achievement than the lighting itself.员工的态度和组员之间的关系也会影响企业的生产力。
4、Peter Drucker
The Management Process
Peter Drucker emphasizes the economic objective of managers in business.He argued that the manager of a business has one basic function-economic performance.管理层必须为企业创造价值。
Management tasks:managing a business,managing managers and managing workers.要管理企业、管理管理层、管理员工。
Mintzbery:the managers role管理者有以下3个角色:
Figurehead(representing the company)破浪神,是企业中的领袖,在外界看来也代表着企业的形象。
Leader(hiring,firing,and training staff,motivating employees)领头羊,雇佣、解雇员工,员工之间的沟通与协调、激励员工。
Liaison(making contacts outside the vertical chain of command,meeting with their peers)联络,与同行之间的联络、员工之间的联络,要沟通能力强。
Monitor(receiving information from subordinates,superiors and peers)收到信息、监管、使用信息。从下属、同行、监管者那获取信息。
Spokesperson(providing information on behalf of unit or organization)向员工、消费者、供应商提供信息。
Disseminator(Disseminating relevant information to subordinated)传播者,把积极向上的信息提供给员工。
Entrepreneur(helping departments react to a changed environment)要有企业家的精神,变革时有能力做出正确的抉择。
Disturbance handler(responding to unexpected pressure,taking decisions when there is deviation)当企业产生偏移,你要有能力去解决并使企业朝着正确的方向发展。
Resource allocator(Distributing limited resources to achieve objectives)要合理分配资源,要把钱用在刀刃上。
Negotiator(negotiate both inside and outside the organisation专门去沟通的人。