At 30 September 20X2 the trial balance of Cavern includes the following balances:
Equity shares of 20c each 50,000
Share premium 15,000
Cavern has accounted for a fully-subscribed rights issue of equity shares made on 1 April 20X2 of one new share for every four in issue at 42 cents each. This was the only share issue made during the year.
What were the balances on the share capital and share premium accounts at 30 September 20X1?
Share capital Share premium
$'000 $'000
A 37,500 11,250
B 40,000 4,000
C 37,500 4,000
D 40,000 11,250
题目的意思是说2002年9月30日share capital是50million,每股是20cents,所以股数一共是250million股。share premium是15million。
又告知我们2002年4月1日有一次right issue,每四股发一股,发行价是42cents。让我们求2001年9月30日的share capital和share premium。
我们可以把2001年9月30日的股数设为X,right issue每四股发一股所以发行的股数是1/4 X,即5/4 X等于250million股,所以可得X是200million股,每股是20cents,所以share capital是40million。
所以right issue的股数是50million股,每股的share premium是22cents,所以增加的share premium是11million,期末的share premium是15million,增加了11million,所以期初是4million。所以选B。