英文 |
中文 |
定义 |
Perfect competition |
完全竞争 |
Perfect competition: many buyers and many sellers all dealing in an identical product. Neither producernor user has any market power and both must accept the prevailing market price. |
Perfect information |
完全讯息 |
Perfect information is information that predicts with 100% accuracy what the outcome situation will be. |
Price discrimination |
价格歧视 |
Price discrimination is the practice of charging different prices for the same product to different groupsof buyers when these prices are not reflective of cost differences. |
Price elasticity of demand |
需求的价格弹性 |
The price elasticity of demand (PED) is a measure of the extent of change in demand for a good inresponse to a change in its price. |
Price skimming |
撇脂定价法 |
Price skimming involves charging high prices when a new product is first launched on the market, inorder to maximise short-term profitability. Initially there is heavy spending on advertising and salespromotion to encourage sales demand. |
Oligopoly |
寡头买主垄断 |
Oligopoly: where relatively few competitive companies dominate the market. While each large firm has theability to influence market prices, the unpredictable reaction from the other giants makes the final industryprice indeterminate. Cartels are often formed. |
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