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来源: 互联网 2011-07-14

  Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao sounded a hawkish note on inflation ahead of key data expected to show slowing economic growth, emphasizing that the government will continue to make cooling prices its key priority.


  Mr. Wen, whose government has taken a series of steps since last year to tighten the reins on the economy, said in a statement Tuesday that the "overall direction of policy" will remain unchanged. His comments came as the central bank reported a jump in new bank lending last month that underscored the continuing pressures driving inflation in the world's No. 2 economy.

  Associated Press新华社公布的这张照片显示:周六,中国总理温家宝在陕西省咸阳市的一家超市内与肉类供应商交谈。温家宝在周二的公告中说,宏观调控的基本取向将保持不变。中国政府去年为收紧套在中国经济上的“缰绳”已采取了一系列措施。中国央行发布报告称,上月新增银行贷款激增,凸显出世界第二大经济体所面临的持续不断的通胀压力。

  The remarks came ahead of the scheduled release on Wednesday of China's gross domestic product data for the second quarter, which economists predicted would show growth of 9.4% from a year earlier, down from 9.7% growth in the first quarter.


  Beijing has been struggling to balance its fight against inflation, which has fueled public discontent and potentially dangerous bubbles in housing prices, against fears that the economy─a major driver of global growth─could slow too sharply.


  After a series of government tightening measures, including five interest-rate increases since October, some analysts have speculated that the government might signal an easing of the economic brakes in the second half of the year.


  In his statement Tuesday, issued after a series of meetings with other officials on the economic situation, Mr. Wen nodded to concerns about a slowdown, saying the government seeks to avoid “big fluctuations” in economic growth, and aims to ensure that 'lagging effects' of monetary policy don't have a big impact down the road.


  But the thrust of Mr. Wen's statement was continued concern about inflation. He reiterated several measures to cool prices, including controlling the money supply, encouraging the production of agricultural goods and increasing the supply of pork, for which prices have recently jumped. He also pledged to keep implementing restrictions on the property sector, which have already started to bring down prices in major cities.


  The People's Bank of China said Tuesday that financial institutions issued 633.9 billion yuan of new loans in the local currency in June, or about $98 billion, up 15% from the May figure and above economists' expectations of 595 billion yuan. A flood of bank lending in recent years has been one factor driving up consumer prices, which rose 6.4% in June, their fastest pace in three years.


  Economists generally expect that the central bank is done raising interest rates this year. But they expect the PBOC to continue increasing the share of deposits that banks must set aside, rather than lend, and many economists have said that further rate increases can't be ruled out─especially if inflation defies expectations that it will start declining in July.


  The central bank data on Tuesday also showed that China accumulated $152.8 billion of foreign exchange reserves in the second quarter, bringing its total stock to $3.198 trillion. The central bank purchases foreign exchange that enters the country by printing new yuan, adding to the money supply. Economists with Japanese securities firm Nomura said the forex purchases in the second quarter would compel the central bank to raise required reserve levels again to 'mop up' the added liquidity.

  中国国务院总理温家宝日前对通胀问题进行了强硬表态。与此同时,日本在牛肉中查出放射性铯元素,引发新一波恐慌。《华尔街日报》的Jake Lee和Alison Tudor对以上消息进行了讨论。央行周二发布的数据还显示,中国今年第二季度外汇储备余额增长了1,528亿美元,外储总额达到3.198万亿美元。中国央行通过增印人民币来购买进入中国的外汇,从而使货币供应增多。日本证券公司野村(Nomura)的经济学家说,中国第二季度的外汇购买行为将迫使中国央行不得不再次提高存款准备金率,以“吸收”增加的流动性。

  Though a considerable increase, the April-June figure was down from nearly $200 billion in both the first quarter and the fourth quarter last year.


  UBS economist Wang Tao said the slowdown in foreign reserve accumulation was likely due to less inflows of speculative capital. She estimated that such inflows fell to around $24 billion, from around $90 billion in the last two quarters.


  That is likely to be welcome news to China, which often frets about the destabilizing impact of such inflows, and may be seen as a silver lining for Beijing amid the economic slowdown.


  Last week, People's Bank of China adviser Li Daokui joked on his personal microblog that China 'ought to thank' foreigners for being so bearish on the Chinese economy, as this had reduced fund inflows.


我要纠错】 责任编辑:梓墨





