Do you evaluate international credentials for post-secondary institution admission purposes?
No. We only evaluate international education documents for CPA examination and licensing.
Do you evaluate documents for immigration or employment purposes?
I submitted original documents for evaluation,will my documents be returned?
You can request that your original documents be returned when submitting your application. However,you will be responsible for any related return shipping costs.
Are there any other fees associated with my application?
Yes.You may be required to pay additional application fees,licensing fees,or examination fees associated with the application process.
What type of payments will NASBA International Evaluation Services accept?
Credit card payments are accepted through our online application system.
What if my institution no longer exists?
If your academic institution no longer exists,please contact your Ministry of Education or governmental accrediting body for educational documentation. Your country's embassy or consulate may also be of service to you.
Currently,NASBA International Evaluation Services does not serve my jurisdiction. Which international evaluation services are accepted by my jurisdiction?
We have compiled a listing of accepted international evaluation services,organized by jurisdiction,in order to serve you.