(1)NOTIFICATION;RECORDKEEPING.-The rules of the Board shall provide that in any proceeding by the Board to determine whether a registered public accounting firm,or an associated person thereof,should be disciplined,the Board shall-
(A)bring specific charges with respect to the firm or associated person;
(B)notify such firm or associated person of,and provide to the firm or associated person an opportunity to defend against,such charges;and
(C)keep a record of the proceedings.
(2)PUBLIC HEARINGS.-Hearings under this section shall not be public,unless otherwise ordered by the Board for good cause shown,with the consent of the parties to such hearing.
(3)SUPPORTING STATEMENT.-A determination by the Board to impose a sanction under this subsection shall be supported by a statement setting forth-
(A)each act or practice in which the registered public accounting firm,or associated person,has engaged(or omitted to engage),or that forms a basis for all or a part of such sanction;
(B)the specific provision of this Act,the securities laws,the rules of the Board,or professional standards which the Board determines has been violated;and
(C)the sanction imposed,including a justification for that sanction.
(4)SANCTIONS.-If the Board finds,based on all of the facts and circumstances,that a registered public accounting firm or associated person thereof has engaged in any act or practice,or omitted to act,in violation of this Act,the rules of the Board,the provisions of the securities laws relating to the preparation and issuance of audit reports and the obligations and liabilities of accountants with respect thereto,including the rules of the Commission issued under this Act,or professional standards,the Board may impose such disciplinary or remedial sanctions as it determines appropriate,subject to applicable limitations under paragraph(5),including-
(A)temporary suspension or permanent revocation of registration under this title;
(B)temporary or permanent suspension or bar of a person from further association with any registered public accounting firm;
(C)temporary or permanent limitation on the activities,functions,or operations of such firm or person(other than in connection with required additional professional education or training);
(D)a civil money penalty for each such violation,in an amount equal to-
(i)not more than $100,000 for a natural person or $2,000,000 for any other person;and
(ii)in any case to which paragraph(5)applies,not more than $750,000 for a natural person or $15,000,000 for any other person;
(F)required additional professional education or training;or
(G)any other appropriate sanction provided for in the rules of the Board.