1.Auditor's reports
a)Critically appraise the form and content of a standard unmodified auditor's report.[3]
b)Recognise and evaluate the factors to be taken into account when forming an audit opinion in a given situation and justify audit opinions that are consistent with the results of audit procedures.[3]
c)Assess whether or not a proposed audit opinion is appropriate.[3]
d)Recognise when the use of an emphasis of matter paragraph and other matter paragraph would be appropriate.[3]
2.Reports to those charged with governance and management
a)Critically assess the quality of a report to those charged with governance and management.[3]
b)Advise on the content of reports to those charged with governance and management in a given situation.[3]
3.Other reports
a)Analyse the form and content of the professional accountant's report for an assurance engagement as compared with an auditor’s report.[2]
b)Discuss the content of a report on examination of prospective financial information.[2]
c)Discuss the effectiveness of the'negative assurance'form of reporting and evaluate situations in which it may be appropriate to express a reservation or deny a conclusion.[3]