7.Provisions,contingent liabilities and contingent assets
a)Explain why an accounting standard on provisions is necessary.[2]
b)Distinguish between legal and constructive obligations.[2]
c)State when provisions may and may not be made and demonstrate how they should be accounted for.[2]
d)Explain how provisions should be measured.[1]
e)Define contingent assets and liabilities and describe their accounting treatment.[2]
f)Identify and account for:[2]
ii)onerous contracts
iii)environmental and similar provisions
iv) provisions for future repairs or refurbishments.
8.Impairment of assets
a)Define an impairment loss.[2]
b)Identify the circumstances that may indicate impairments to assets.[2]
c)Describe what is meant by a cash generating unit.[2]
d)State the basis on which impairment losses should be allocated,and allocate an impairment loss to the assets of a cash generating unit.[2]