

2011-10-21 15:35  来源:正保会计网校





  Waste Not,Want Not

  1 Bob and Clara Darlington,who own and run a farm in the North of England,have alwayslooked for new ways of making money out of the produce they grow.Their SUCCESS began when theyestablished a shop on their farm,so that people could come and buy fresh vegetables directly fromthem.

  2 The business was an immediate SUCCESS,and soon scored top marks in a competition set upby the Farm Retail Association to find the best farm shop in the country.The Association's inspectorsfound the Darlingtons'shop offered excellent service and value for money as well as quality fruit andvegetable.

  3 Clara Darlington is a trained chef and,in addition to a range of home-grown foods andother local produce,she began offering a variety of prepared meals which she had made herself inthe farmhouse kitchen.A small cafe alongside the farm shop was soon added,with everything thatvisitors could taste on the menu also being for sale in the shop.

  4 Clara admits that starting the business was expensive,and she has worked very hard,butmaintains that if the product is good,the public recognize this and buy it."I aim to offer the highestquality to our customers,whether they come in for a loaf of bread,or take a whole dinner-partymenu.I take it as a compliment(恭维)if people take home one of my dishes to serve to their family and friends and get away with pretending they made it themselves."

  5 So it was that the couple realized that they had a surplus of misshapen or damaged vegetables grown on the farm which were unsuitable for selling in the shop.Clara,not wishing to see themget thrown away,decided to turn them into soup.

  6 The soup met with the immediate approval of customers to the shop and Clara now producesten different varieties.She spent much of the summer traveling up and down to London by rail,doing presentations of the soups.As a result,they are now served in first-class railway restaurant carsbelonging to three companies as well as being stocked by a number of high-class London stores.

  23.Paragraph 2_______________.

  24.Paragraph 3________________.

  25.Paragraph 4______________.

  26.Paragraph 5____________.

  A.Time well spent is rewarded

  B.Professional recognition is obtained

  C.A necessary alternative to farming

  D.Professional skills are exploited

  E.Continuing investment in high standards

  F.Ensuring that nothing gets wasted

  27.Bob an Clara Darlington established a shop to____________.

  28.Apart from quality fruit and vegetables,the couple____________.

  29.Instead of throwing the damaged vegetables away,the couple__________.

  30.Clara spent much of the summer going to London to____________.

  A.sell fresh vegetables

  B.sell as much as possible

  C.offer a variety of prepared meals

  D.turn them into soup

  E.fill a gap in the market

  F.promote her soups


  B D A F A C D F

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