ACCA F8知识点
1 控制目标 Control Objectives
Control objectives for the non-current asset cycle include the control objectives for the purchases cycle, plus the following:
To ensure that all material capital acquisitions and disposals are approved by management and/or the board.
To ensure that only capital expenditure is recognised as an asset.
To ensure that tangible and intangible non-current assets are properly depreciated or amortised.
To ensure that impairments are identified and accounted for.
2 举例Internal Control Examples and Sample Tests of Controls
Internal controls and tests of controls include the internal controls and tests of controls for the purchases cycle, plus the following:
Internal Control Examples | Sample Tests of Control |
Annual capital expenditure ("capex")budgets and material non-current assetacquisitions approved by the board ofdirectors. | Confirm approval for a sample ofmaterial non-current asset acquisitions. |
Annual capital expenditure ("capex")budgets and material non-current assetacquisitions approved by the board ofdirectors. | For a sample of material tangible assets,review asset register to confirm that itis up to date and includes all requiredinformation. |
Periodic inspection of assets andcomparison with the asset register. Approval of useful lives and depreciation/amortisation methods used. Regular maintenance and servicing bysuitably qualified engineers. |
Review asset register for evidence ofregular physical inspection (e.g. dateof inspection and comment on physicalcondition). |
Adequate appropriate insurance (e.g.buildings against fire or flood, equipmentagainst breakdown and vehicles againstaccidents). Safekeeping of documents of title (e.g. titledeeds to property kept by the bank, vehicleregistration documents kept in a lockedsafe). |
Review documentation that shows thatadequate appropriate insurance has beenmaintained. |
Procedures for recording physical assetsleaving or being removed from the client'spremises. | Observe procedures for recording physicalassets leaving or being removed frompremises. |