A free trade area like the European Union (EU) aims to remove barriers to trade and allow freedom of movement of production resources such as capital and labour. The EU also has an overarching common legal structure across all member countries and tries to limit any discriminatory practice against companies operating in these countries. Furthermore, the EU erects common external barriers to trade against countries which are not member states. Riviere Co may benefit from operating within the EU in a number of ways as it currently trades within it. 欧盟自由贸易区, 旨在降低贸易壁垒,允许资本和劳动力自由流动。所有成员国之间遵从共同的法律框架,消除成员国企业间的歧视。但对于非欧盟国家,则建立了壁垒。
1. 这样跟同样是欧盟内的竞争对手,有了相同的竞争条款。相比之下,非欧盟 国家很难进入 EU 市场,因为贸易的壁垒。It should find that it is able to compete on equal terms with rival companies within the EU. Companies outside the EU may find it difficult to enter the EU markets due to barriers to trade.
2. 另外,对于食品质量和包装标准,在 EU 内是有共同的法律框架的。A common legal structure should ensure that standards of food quality and packaging apply equally across all the member countries.
3. 食品的物流运输方面的尽职调查相对而言是比较好开展的,因为同样的合规 要求。Due diligence of logistic networks used to transport the food may be easier to undertake because of common compliance requirements.
4. 而且建立 EU 内的分公司,也相对容易找到资本和人力。Having access to capital and labour within the EU may make it easier for the company to set up branches inside the EU, if it wants to .
5. 欧盟或许还有一些补贴政策,对于 EU 内建立的公司。The company may also be able to access any trants which are available to companies based within the EU.