

2011-12-19 10:28  来源:正保会计网校



Cultural Differences

  People from different cultures sometimes do things that make each other uncomfortable, sometimes without realizing it. Most Americans _____1___ out of the country and have very _____2____ experience with foreigners. But they are usually spontaneous, friendly and open, and enjoy ____3____ new people, having guests and bringing people together formally or informally. They tend to use first names ____4____ most situations and speak freely about themselves. So if your American hosts do something that _____5___ you uncomfortable, try to let them know how you feel. Most people will ___6___ your honesty and try not to make you uncomfortable again. And you'll all _____7______ something about another culture!

  Many travelers find _____8_____ easier to meet people in the U.S. than in other countries. They may just come up and introduce themselves or even invite you over ____9___ they really know you. Sometimes Americans are said to be ____10___. Perhaps it seems so, but they are probably just ____11____ a good time. Just like anywhere else, it takes time to become real friends ____12____ people in the U.S……

  If and when you _____13____ American friends, they will probably ____14____ introducing you to their friends and family, and if they seem proud of _____15____ you, it's probably because they are. Relax and enjoy it!

  1. A have never been B have been never

  C has never been D has been never

  2. A a little B little C much D a great deal

  3. A meet B to meet C meeting D to have met

  4. A on B among C within D in

  5. A makes B make C made D making

  6. A praise B honor C appreciate D confirm

  7. A pick B select C learn D study

  8. A this B it C them D /

  9. A when B if C after D before

  10. A superficially friend B superficial friend

  C superficially friendly D superficial friendly

  11. A having B taking C making D killing

  12. A with B among C to D in

  13. A get along with B get rid of C stay away from D stay with

  14. A hate B forbid C avoid D enjoy

  15. A to know B knowing C know D having known


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