

2011-12-07 19:24  来源:正保会计网校



Health Promotion

  1 World health will improve only if the people themseIve become involved in planning, implementing, and having a say about their own healh and healh, care. But involvement will not just happen.

  2 How serious are we about involving individuals,families,and communities? Are we prepared一mentally and professionally(专业上),to listen to their concerns, to learn from them what they feel is important, to share with them appropriate information, to encourage and support thern?In many cases,so far, the answer is 'No'.We can go on and on developing plans: nothing will happen unless all health workers, all health managers, and key professionals in other areas come to realize what is at stake. To overcome these particular stumbling-blocks, I see three major requirements.

  3 First, health workers must understand that the concept of primary health care involves new roles for them, and a new outlook(观点).Not onlyshould we be concerned with disease prevention and control, we must also be concerned with health promotion and care, and not least with developmentjngeneral-and with people. Our health technologies must be based on what the people themselves want and need.

  4 Second, health. workers must accept their new roles.More yet:theymust be keen to try them out,to broaden their scope and to innovatein the parntnership(合伙人,合作关系)approach. Their main concern must be to find ways of" helping individuals and communities become self-dependent.

  5 This brings me to my third point:. health workers must have the necessary skills to perform these new roles effctively and to make efficient use of existing knowledge. This calls for a training force fully familiar with previous experience and keen to provide the kind and quality of professional preparation needed. It also calls for full support from health managers for such training.

  1 Paragraph 2______

  2 Paragraph 3______

  3 Paragraph 4______

  4 Paragraph 5______

  A Acceptance of New Roles

  B Lack of Health Technologies

  C Urgent Need to Improve the Current Situation

  D Importance of Taking a New Outlook

  E Support of the People

  F Demand for Necessary Skills

  5 Without the involvement of the people,there is no point in endlessly_____

  6 The concept of primary health care involves new roles for_____

  7 It is important for health workers to find ways of helping the people become_______

  8 Health workers cannot perform their new roles effectively without______

  A some stumbling-blocks

  B dependent on others

  C the necessary skills

  D self-dependent

  E developing plans

  F health workers


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