

2011-10-18 09:18  来源:正保会计网校



  6. If we leave now, we should miss the traffic.

  A. direct

  B. mix

  C. stop

  D. avoid

  7. It was a fascinating painting, with clever use of color and light.

  A. familiar

  B. wonderful

  C. large

  D. new

  8. I propose that we discuss this at the next meeting.

  A. suggest

  B. request

  C. demand

  D. order

  9. The company has the right to end his employment at any time.

  A. offer

  B. continue

  C. stop

  D. provide

  10. I was shocked when I saw the size of the telephone bill.

  A. excited

  B. angry

  C. lost

  D. surprised

  11. What are my chances of promotion if I stay here?

  A. retirement

  B. advertisement

  C. advancement

  D. replacement

  12. We're happy to report that business is booming this year.

  A. failing

  B. risky

  C. open

  D. successful

  13. We're seen a marked shift in our approach to the social issues.

  A. quick

  B. regular

  C. great

  D. clear

  14. The thief was finally captured two miles away from the village.

  A. found

  B. killed

  C. jailed

  D. caught

  15. Rodman met with Tony to try and settle the dispute over his contract.

  A. solve

  B. avoid

  C. mark

  D. involve



  7. B [解析]fascinating和wonderful都是极好的,奇妙的意思。familiar意为熟悉的; large意为大的;new意为新的。

  8. A[解析]propose的意思是建议,与suggest同义。request和demand意思相近,意为要求;order是"命令"的意思。propose,suggest,request和demand后的从句需要用虚拟语气,即(should)+动词原形。

  9. C[解析]end的意思是结束,终止;stop意为停止,与end意义相近。offer是提供、提议:continue意为继续:provide意为提供。

  10.D [解析]shock和surprise都有惊讶的意思。excited意为兴奋的;anger,气愤的;lost当动词时是"遗失"的意思,用作形容词,有"遗失的"或"迷惑的"之意。


  12.D [解析]booming意思是兴旺的,繁荣的。如:Port construction and investment isbooming all over the country.港口建设和投资的热潮正在全国范围内兴起。failing意为下降的;risky意为冒险的,如:Doctors say the operation is too risky.医生表示这项手术风险太大。open,开放的;successful,成功的。在该句中,successful相对其他选项更为合适。

  13.D [解析]marked意为显著的,明显的。如:What is your most marked characteristic?你本身最显著的特点是什么?clear也是"清晰的、明显的"意思。quick的意思是快速的;regular,定期的,整齐的;great,伟大的。

  14.D [解析]captured,捕获,抓住,与caught同义。found意为发现;killed意为杀死; jailed意为监禁。

  15.A[解析]settle the dispute的意思是解决纠纷。同义的选项是solve。avoid意为避免,如:We must take measures to avoid the traffic accidents.我们必须采取措施避免发生交通事故。mark意为做标记;involve,卷入、陷入。和involve有关的短语有involved in卷入……;involve with涉及,和……有关。

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