

2011-10-17 13:36  来源:正保会计网校



  Cell Phones

  1. Believe it or not,cell phones have been around for over a quarter of a century.The first commercial cell phone system was developed by the Japanese in 1979.But cell phones have changeda lot since that time.The early cell phones were big and heavy but they have developed into smalland light palm-sized models.There have been huge developments in their functions,too.We havehad cell forwarding,text messaging,answering services and hands-free use for years,but now thereare countless new facilities,such as instant access to the internet and receiving and sending photos.

  2. Cell phones have become very common in our lives;recent statistics suggest as many as one in three people on the planet now have a cell phone,and most of them say they couldn't live without one.Cell phones are used in every area of our lives and have become a necessary tool,usedfor essential arrangements,social contact and business.They have made it easier to call for help onthe highway.They have made it possible to keep in touch with people"on the move"when peopleare traveling.

  3. Cell phones have made communication easier and have reduced the need for family argu ments.We can use cell phones to let our family know we'll be late or if there's a change of plan oran emergency.Cell phones have eased the worries of millions of parents when their teenagers are outlate,they can now contact their children at any time.

  4.This does not mean that cell phones are all good news.They have brought with them anumber of new headaches for their owners:it costs a lot to replace stolen phones,something that isbecoming a frequent occurrence,and have you ever seen such huge phone bills? More serious,however,is the potential health problem they bring:there are fears that radiation from the phones maycause brain tumor(肿瘤)。This may be a time bomb waiting to happen to younger people who havegrown up with cell phones that they simply can't live without.

  23.Paragraph 1_________________

  24.Paragraph 2_________________

  25.Paragraph 3________________

  26.Paragraph 4_________________

  A.Cell phones and the family

  B.Commercial cell phone systems

  C.Cell phones in everyday life

  D.Cell phones for teenagers

  E.History of cell phones

  F.Problems with cell phones

  27.Nowadays cell phones are equipped with_______________

  28.Cell phones are common in our lives and have become________________

  29.We can use cell phones to communicate with others when we encounter_________________

  30.In spite of many benefits,cell phones have brought for their owners_________________

  A.a necessity.

  B.an emergency.

  C.a number of new headaches.

  D.family arguments.

  E.big and light palm-sized models.

  F.countless new facilities


  23.E [解析]第一段开篇就说手机发明到现在几近四分之一个世纪,又对比了手机早期和近期在功能上的不同,可以想见是在叙述手机的历史。

  24.C [解析]第二段讲手机在人们的生活中十分普及,许多人离不开手机,用于各个场合,因而意在说明手机存在于每个人的生活中。


  26.F [解析]最后一段第一句就说明了该段要讲的是手机带来的问题,段中举了青少年的例子,因此D选项有一定的迷惑性,但是纵观全段,还是不局限于只描写青少年,因此选F。

  27.F[解析]文中原文:flow tlaere are countless new facilities

  28.A [解析]文中原文:cell plnones are tlseclin every area 0f our liyes ancIllave Ilecome anecessary tool

  29.B [解析]文中原文:we can use cell phones to let our family know we'll be late or iftlaere's a sudden change of plan or an emergency

  30.C [解析]文中原文:tlley have brought with tllem a number of new IleaclacIles for their owners

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