

2011-07-18 09:15  来源:外语教育网


  1. I am going to have a short rest as I have a cold.

  A) bring       B) catch 
  C) feel   D) suffer

  2. The old concerns lose importance and some of them vanish altogether.

  A) develop      B) disappear
  C) linger         D) renew

  3. Gunpowder was used extensively in firearms prior to 1990.

  A) in       B) around
  C) from  D) before

  4. We packed up the things I had accumulated over the last three years and left for good.

  A) close      B) near
       C) past       D) final

  5. The immense change of the city astonished every member of the conference.

  A) surprised      B) interested 
  C) bored           D) excited

  6. It's impolite to cut in when two persons are holding a conversation.

  A) to stand in between       B) to talk loudly
  C) to sit in between         D) to interrupt

  7. There is always excitement at the Olympic Games when an athlete breaks a previous record of performance.

  A) beats                        B)matches
  C) maintains                  D)announces

  8. They agreed to settle the dispute by peaceful means.

  A) solve                           B)determine
  C) untie                           D)complete

  9. Can you account for your absence from the class last Thursday?

  A) explain                    B)examine
  C) excuse                    D)expand

  10. A limited number of books on this subject are in the library.

  A) little                        B) small
  C) tiny                         D) low

  11. The river widens considerably as it begins to turn east.

  A) extends                     B)stretches
  C) broadens                   D)enlarges

  12. Foreign money can be converted at this bank.

  A) altered                    B)changed
  C) bought                   D)sold

  13. Government health campaigns have fostered an awareness of the dangers in certain social habits.

  A) included                  B)discovered
  C)cultivated                  D)discouraged

  14. I feel regret about what's happening.

  A) sorry                      B) disappointed
  C) shameful              D) disheartened

  15. There are only five minutes, but the outcome of the match is still in doubt.

  A) end                     B)judgment
  C) estimation            D)result


  1. B. catch a cold (感冒)是固定的搭配。

  2. B. vanish是 disappear的近义词,是“消失”,所以disappear 是答案。另外,linger 是“逗留”,renew是“使更新”。

  3. D. prior to是“在……之前”,所以 before是答案。

  4. C. last是“最近过去”,而 past 是正合此义。

  5. A. astonish和 surprise是近义词,是“使吃惊”。

  6. D. 该短语的语义可从句义推出,该句说“当两人在谈话时……是不礼貌的”。备选答案中,to stand in between(站在中间)和 to sit in between(坐在中间)在语义效果上等值,所以相互排除,而to talk loudly是“大声地说话”,interrupt是“打断”,比较而言,interrupt更合适。而实际上我们也经常说“别打断别人的谈话”。

  7. A. 画线词break有多种含义,但因它的宾语是record(记录), 所以其语义是“打破”。而  beat的基本含义是“打,胜过”。

  8. A. 画线词settle有多种含义,但因它的宾语是dispute(争夺), 所以其语义是“解决”。而  solve的基本含义是“解决”,所以solve是答案。备选答案中 Untie = un + tie(系),un是否定前缀。

  9. A. 画线词account for有多种含义,但因它的宾语是your absence(你的缺席),所以其语义是“解释”。 而  explain的基本含义是“解释”,所以explain是答案。备选答案中,excuse是及物动词(后面必须跟宾语),所以在这里不合适。

  10.B. 画线词limited的含义是“有限的”,而四个备选答案均是常见词汇,且前三个语义相近,都有“小的”的含义(low是“低的”)。所以这道题是考辨词。因small修饰可数名词,little修饰不可数名词, 而tiny  的语义是“微小的”,一般指体积。看干:limited后是number, 而number是可数名词,所以答案是B.

  11.C. 画线词widen含义较单一,是“加宽”,且widen = wide + (e)n (en加在部分形容词后构成“使……变得更……”之意)。而备选答案中broaden 也是由此法构成:broaden = broad + en  ,所以可先观察该词,而  broaden的基本含义是“加宽”。

  12.B. 画线词convert含义较单一,是“转换”,因它的宾语是money(钱), 所以其语义是“换”。而  change的基本含义是“换”,所以change是答案。

  13.C. 画线词foster有多种含义,在foster众多的词义中包含了cultivate的含义,所以答案是cultivate.

  14.A. 画线词regret主要语义是“为……致歉”。 而  sorry的基本含义是“为……致歉”, 所以sorry是答案。

  15.D. 画线词outcome含义单一,是“结果”。 而  result的基本含义是“结果”, 所以result是答案。

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