

2011-03-03 09:38  来源:正保会计网校论坛

More Than Just Money

  When Patricia Rochester decided to go back to school after ten years as a staff nurse at Toronto Western Hospital.her employer not only cheered her on.but also Paid her tuition and gave her a day off with pay every week to study.Throughout her years at the hospital,Rochester has also taken workshops on everything from coaching peers to career development——courses that she believes have helped her advance at work.“I'm now head of the mentoring(指导)program for new hires.students and staff nurses.”she says.“There's a lot of room for personal improvement here.”

  Perhaps as important,Rochester says her employer supports and values her work.''If you put in overtime.“the nurse points Out.”you get your meals—they'11 order in pizza or Greek food or Chinese.“And if staffers feel stiff and stressed from too many hours on the ward.they can call for a flee 15-minute shoulder-and-neck massage(按摩)or even sign up for an eight-week evening course on meditation skills and stress-relief.If that's not enough,employees can take advantage of five family days a year that can be used if the kids come down with the flu or an aging parent needs ferrying to an important doctor's appointment And they have access to a range of perks(好处)such as special rates on hotel rooms,drugstore purchases,and scholarships for employees'children.

  You might wonder how an organization can provide such resources and still survive.But University Health Network is one of a number of progressive employers in Canada that have discovered that investing in staff is good business.

  If such initiatives help companies cut down on turnover(人员更替)alone,they're well worthwhile.says Prem Benimadhu,a vice—president at the Conference Board of Canada.It costs anywhere frmn$3.300 to rehire support staff,an average$13,300 for technical staff and a whopping(巨资)$43,000 for an executive position,according to one study of Conference Board members

  Innovative initiatives help companies attract talented employees,cut down on sick days(which cost Canadian businesses an estimated$17 billion a year,or an average of$3,550 per Employee)and keep employees more interested in their work.With the substantial talent shortage that already exists in Canada and the prospect of mass retirement over the next five years—as many as 50 or 60 percent in some sectors—Benimadhu says that intelligent employers are putting a renewed focus on the people who work for them.

  41 When Rochester decided to go to school,her employer

  A persuaded her to change her mind

  B fired her.

  C cheered her on.

  D discouraged her.

  42Which of the following is NOT mentioned as a way to ease one'S stiffness and stress?

  A To take an eight-week evening course on meditation skills and stress-relief.

  B To call for a flee 15-minute shoulder-and-neck massage.

  C To use five family days

  D T0 ask for sick leave

  43 Investment in staff has been motivated

  A to attract the public'S attention

  B to reduce staff turnover,

  C to solve labor disputes.

  D to show off financial resources

  44 Canada has been short of

  A talented people.

  B timber.

  C flesh water.

  D money.

  45 In paragraph 2,the phrase“come down with”could be best replaced by

  A “shake off”

  B “get rid of”

  C “get”

  D “cure”


  41 c 该题问的是:Rochester决定去上学时,她的老板怎么样?“cheered her on” (鼓励她)可以在第一段的第一句话中找到。

  42 D 该题问的是:下面的哪一种不是缓解僵硬和压力的办法?A说的是:上一个8周的默念技术和压力消除法的班。B说的是:要15分钟的免费颈肩按摩。c说的是:使用5天的用于处理家务的假期。D说的是:请病假。“请病假”文章没有提到。

  43 B 该题问的是:投资于员工的目的是什么?A说的是:为了吸引公众的注意。B说的是:为了减少人员更替的费用。c说的是:为了解决劳资纠纷。D说的是:显示财力雄厚。B可见于倒数第二段第一句。

  44 A 该题问的是:加拿大短缺的是什么?A说的是:有才的人。B说的是:木材。c说的是:淡水。D说的是:钱。“加拿大短缺有才的人”可见于最后一段。

  45 c 该题问的是:第二段中的“come down with”可由哪个词(组)替换?“come down with”是“得病”的意思。只有“get”有此意。

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