

2011-02-09 15:57  来源:正保会计网校

  1 Natalie prefers yellow, whereas I prefer green
  A if        B while
  C then       D so
  2 I am reluctant to get out of bed on cold mornings
  A frightened    B resistant
  C unwilling    D persistent
  3 I question whether his policy will be successful
  A doubt      B say
  C examine     D study
  4 Napoleon had a genius for war and politics
  A an ability    B a quality
  C a talent     D a taste
  5 Not having a good excuse for being late, Sally made up one.
  A borrowed     B copied
  C exercised    D invented
  6 We'll support you even if you don't succeed.
  A since      B even though
  C because     D for
  7 We were all there when the accident occurred.
  A appeared     B dropped
  C happened     D fell
  8 The governor appointed a committee to find out what was wrong.
  A did up      B set up
  C put up      D took up
  9 You can't get there other than by swimming
  A only       B besides
  C except      D simply
  10 That problem is secondary to the one now facing us
  A later than     B better than
  C less important than D more exciting than
  11 It is difficult to assess the importance of the decision.
  A evaluate     B comment
  C discuss      D report
  12 You must try to wipe out the memory of these horrible events.
  A strange      B terrible
  C unusual      D unfair
  13 He spoke in such a pleasant manner that I felt at ease with him at once
  A confident     B relaxing
  C formal      D comfortable
  14 He worked so hard that eventually he fell ill.
  A then       B surely
  C finally      D recently
  15 He thought it better to begin working immediately.
  A at once      B recently
  C early       D rapidly



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