这三个词分别是资产、负债和所有者权益,是会计等式的三个要素。Assets 这个词表示...owned and have monetary values;for instance,cash,inventory,buildings,equipment...[详细]
注会综合区| 会计| 审计| 税法| 经济法| 财管| 风险管理| 综合阶段 税务师...√While I was walking along the street, I found many beautiful buildings....[详细]
注会综合区| 会计| 审计| 税法| 经济法| 财管| 风险管理| 综合阶段 注税综合...√While I was walking along the street, I found many beautiful buildings....[详细]
Many business outlays (such as purchases of buildings, equipment, and supplies...在定期盘存制下,企业只是在每一个会计期末确定其存货,并通过收益汇总账户调整...[详细]
在account 后面加上词缀 ing 就成为 accounting ,其意义也相应变为会计、会计学...owned and have monetary values;for instance,cash,inventory,buildings,equipment...[详细]
·考试专区 中级综合区| 中级会计实务| 中级经济法| 中级财务管理| 初级职称 ...buildings ,machinery and equipment ,pay attention to fixed assets maintenance ...[详细]
·考试专区 中级综合区| 中级会计实务| 中级经济法| 中级财务管理| 初级职称 ...buildings ,machinery and equipment ,pay attention to fixed assets maintenance ...[详细]
Inventory (存货),在会计英语词汇中是最基本的词汇之一,与这个词汇有关的词汇,...3、Tangible assets include land, buildings, plant and equipment. 有形资产包括...[详细]
注会综合区| 会计| 审计| 税法| 经济法| 财管| 风险管理| 综合阶段 税务师...buildings ,machinery and equipment ,pay attention to fixed assets maintenance ...[详细]
·考试专区 中级综合区| 中级会计实务| 中级经济法| 中级财务管理| 初级职称 ...(3)The right to use any buildings which has already been rented. 引用 ...[详细]
(3)The right to use any buildings which has already been rented. 引用 回复 收藏 送鲜花 求助 扔鸡蛋会计培训 正保培训项目 12 下一页 ·社区中心 ...[详细]
注会综合区| 会计| 审计| 税法| 经济法| 财管| 风险管理| 综合阶段 注税综合...2,Transfer of buildings and their attached facilities together with the state...[详细]
注会综合区| 会计| 审计| 税法| 经济法| 财管| 风险管理| 综合阶段 税务师...buildings,vessels or aircraft under Construction,or means of Communications and...[详细]
·考试专区 中级综合区| 中级会计实务| 中级经济法| 中级财务管理| 初级职称 ...buildings 房屋及建筑物 machinery 机器 machinery and equipment 机器及设备 leased...[详细]
(when) I was walking along the street, I found many beautiful buildings....学术级别:资深会计师 回帖:16951 经验:45313 鲜花:561 金币:5073 离线...[详细]
股权价值在这里不是所有者权益的会计价值(账面价值),而是股权的公平市场价值。 ...Land and buildings 160,000 Plant and machinery 80,000 Motor vehicles 20,000...[详细]
143 房屋及建物 buildings 1431 房屋及建物 buildings 引用 回复 收藏 求助 送...新旧准则会计科目衔接的账务处理 (一)“现金”、“银行存款”、“其他货币资金”...[详细]
all the old buildings in its centreA get rid of B set upC repair D ...注税综合区| 注册评估师| 高级会计师| 审计师| 经济师| 财会英语 会计从业|...[详细]
注会综合区| 会计| 审计| 税法| 经济法| 财管| 风险管理| 综合阶段 税务师| 资产评估师| 高级会计师| 审计师| 经济师| 财会英语 会计从业| 会计学历考试|...[详细]