3. Basic accounting assumptions 基本会计假设(1) Economic entity assumption ...实际上任务很重,4月就要开始看注税了,所以3月底前一定要把会计、财管过两遍...[详细]
找的好辛苦啊>_< 希望对大家有帮助^O^会 计确认 reorganization计量 measurement表述 presentation揭示(附注) disclosureChap.1会计基本假设 underlying assumptions会计...[详细]
12.underlying assumptions(会计基本假设) 13. separate-entity assumption会计主体假设 14. continuity assumption或Going-concern assumption持续经营假设 15. accounting...[详细]
e. g. The following underlying assumptions will limit the precision and reliability...accounting periods 会计分期 monetary measurement 货币计量 accounting basis ...[详细]
会计目标 Accounting Objectives 会计假设 Accounting Assumptions 会计要素 Accounting Elements 会计原则 Accounting Principles 会计实务过程 Accounting Procedures 财务报表...[详细]
学术级别:资深会计师 回帖:16952 经验:45315 鲜花:561 金币:83 离线 用户信息...Assumptions The following assumptions are made: (1)Demand and lead time are...[详细]
1.2 Fundamental Accounting Assumptions and Principles会计基本假设和基本原理1.2.1 Assumptions of Accounting会计假设Accounting Entity 会计主体 --it is any ...[详细]
547.underlying assumptions of accounting 会计基本假设 underlying adj.潜在的,含蓄的,基础的,表面下的,下层的, v.优先于(underlie的ing形式),构成……的基础(或...[详细]
3. Basic accounting assumptions 基本会计假设(1) Economic entity assumption ...及其对会计报表的影响在会计报表中披露,如果XYZ公司接受或不接受注册会计师的建议...[详细]
会计是计量企业经济活动,处理并加工经济信息,并将处理结果与决策者进行交流的信息...20、in China, accountants rely on four fundamental accounting assumptions in ...[详细]
1.2 Fundamental Accounting Assumptions and Principles会计基本假设和基本原理1.2.1 Assumptions of Accounting会计假设Accounting Entity 会计主体 --it is any ...[详细]
美国会计学会 AAA 税务稽核署 IRS 独资企业 Proprietorship 合伙人企业 Partnership 公司Corporation 会计目标 Accounting Objectives 会计假设 Accounting Assumptions 会计...[详细]
论坛首页 微讲座 学员心声 嘉宾访谈 会计职称 注册会计师 税务师 评估/造价师 实务交流 从业考试 国际证书考试 财会英语 休闲娱乐 更多 正保远程教育 - 正保会计...[详细]
注会综合区| 会计| 审计| 税法| 经济法| 财管| 风险管理| 综合阶段 税务师...workings and assumptions and if these are considered incorrect or inappropriate...[详细]
手册,和你这个帖子里的单词基本一致,财管和战略部分我都背完了,正在背会计部分...e.g. The following underlying assumptions will limit the precision and reliabi...[详细]
Assumptions The following assumptions are made: (1)Demand and lead time are...学术级别:资深会计师 回帖:16950 经验:45311 鲜花:561 金币:5063 离线...[详细]
税务师| 资产评估师| 高级会计师| 审计师| 经济师| 财会英语 会计从业| 会计...43. All the following are assumptions once made about the Iceman EXCEPT _...[详细]
学术级别:助理会计师 回帖:2195 经验:22722 鲜花:172 金币:85 离线 用户信息 ...e.g. The following underlying assumptions will limit the precision and reliabi...[详细]
注会综合区| 会计| 审计| 税法| 经济法| 财管| 风险管理| 综合阶段 注税综合...the sustainable growth rate should satisfy the following assumptions:(如果基于...[详细]
会计是计量企业经济活动,处理并加工经济信息,并将处理结果与决策者进行交流的信息...comparability, we need a well-defined body of accounting assumptions and ...[详细]